
Active Member
On my report it red flags the baro/alt. Where do I begin to look to fix this problem? I have garmin 327 transponder with navworx 600b using 430 w as position source. Not sure what my Thanks in advance.
Indicates loss of data from barometric altitude source. Check your static source input. Apparently your GPS altitude data IS working. The performance report compares the 2 sources for altitude information. I would check with ATC and see if they are receiving your mode C readout.
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We need to know if you are trying to ?sniff? the altitude data from the transponder transmissions (not the best) or if the altitude data is hard-wired into the adsb box (best).
Afs 5400 with Dynon pitot/aoa. Dynon adahars which sends info thru hub connections. Since I don?t know for sure I would guess the EFIS translates and sends to transponder which sends it out. I?m do not know which one is the culprit. Ie: do I have a transponder issue or EFIS issue. Maybe the first place to start is with a transponder check.
Transponder check. . .

Afs 5400 with Dynon pitot/aoa. Dynon adahars which sends info thru hub connections. Since I don?t know for sure I would guess the EFIS translates and sends to transponder which sends it out. I?m do not know which one is the culprit. Ie: do I have a transponder issue or EFIS issue. Maybe the first place to start is with a transponder check.

Probably a good idea, I had a static check and the technician used an expensive looking instrument to pick up the transponder data and compare. Afterward, my ADSB still failed not related to the pitot static test, but the Stein gang built my panel and Jed looked at the report, made a recommendation and it was solved. Hopefully, yours will be easy too.
The report states if your on the edge of a station coverage area you may get various red flags. You can check there coverage map and even email them and request that the report is manually reviewed before taking maintenance action.
We had one on a GDL-82 installation that was interesting. Baro failure.

The altitude was coming from an encoding altimeter. It had ONE incorrect
altitude. 5500 feet reported as 6100 feet. So climbing thru 5500, it outputted
5200, 5300, 5400, 6100, 5600, 5700, etc. The ads-b reporting checks that each second the altitude change during that second makes sense. A 100 or even 200 foot change would make sense. But 5400-> 6100? Couldn't happen. So it gets flagged.

5500 is not an altitude that often gets checked. So a single altitude error like this may pass the IFR check but get caught by the ADS-B checking.

I checked several encoding altimeters. -- all United models-- and two others had similar errors, one at 2500 ft and one at 3500 and 3600 feet. Must be a cootie on the altimeter optical encoder wheels.

we installed a TCI nano encoder to resolve te problem.

Bill Hale