More precisely here is the link to Dynon's Forum about the FAA rebate validity for the RV-12 (and other E-LSAs) using Dynon Skyview with SV-XPONDER-261 and SV-GPS-2020:

If we need only to drop in the SV-GPS-2020 in replacement of our original GPS, it looks like the cost would be:
SV-GPS-2020: $550 minus Rebate: $500 = total $50 out of pocket.

Am I missing something?
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I think you are missing something, the way I understand it only the transponder gets the rebate. Problem is, we who went ahead and bought ours are SOL! Seems backwards to penalize those that went ahead and done it, and reward those who hesitated. If one could use logic and the FAA in the same sentence, it would be best to wait even longer, since the rebate might well be $1000 later in the game. In fact maybe if we waited until Jan 2020 the FAA would just buy one and install it for free!:mad:
I agree, rewarding procrastenators does not seem logical. It is unfortunately not the only time this has happened, either. Quite some time ago Garmin provided an "ADSB" output from its 400W/500W boxes - only to have the FAA change the rules, so Garmin had to write new software to provide "ADSB+" outputs. Of course we owners have to pay our dealers for the software installation. Where are our rebates?
Not procrastinating

The 2020 deadline is 4 years away.
At the rate electronics are developed it is not unreasonable to
Expect a very inexpensive and practical solution by 2019.
Redoing instrumentation to comply with the ADS-B requirement any sooner
than one year before the deadline, is jumping the gun not procrastinating.
If you expect your local avionics shop to do an ADS-B upgrade (some but not everyone) be advised that out here there's something like a three month waiting list already.

If you expect your local avionics shop to do an ADS-B upgrade (some but not everyone) be advised that out here there's something like a three month waiting list already.

Local avionics guy told me he was booked until the end of the year. Been trying for a month to get in to get my transponder checked.
FAA ADSB rebate program

Maybe I missed it, but is this a taxable event? If I recall, people who turned in their cars to receive a federal rebate from the government sponsored "Cash for Clunkers Program" found out after the fact that the money they received was considered "income" and had to pay taxes on those "incentive dollars". Just asking.....
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Maybe I missed it, but is this a taxable event? If I recall, people who turned in their cars to receive a federal rebate from the government sponsored "Cash for Clunkers Program" found out after the fact that the money they received was considered "income" and had to pay taxes on those "incentive dollars". Just asking.....

.....YES!!!!!! it is.
Rebate Check

I purchased my G3X system with a GTX-23 ES this spring and installed it as a retrofit into my RV-7A this fall. I flew in the ADS-B required airspace, verified the operation of the GTX-23 ES on the FAA website and then filled out the required paperwork in Dec. I received an email yesterday saying my rebate check will be here in 4-6 weeks. The answer to the question is yes it applies to experimental aircraft.
I purchased my G3X system with a GTX-23 ES this spring and installed it as a retrofit into my RV-7A this fall. I flew in the ADS-B required airspace, verified the operation of the GTX-23 ES on the FAA website and then filled out the required paperwork in Dec. I received an email yesterday saying my rebate check will be here in 4-6 weeks. The answer to the question is yes it applies to experimental aircraft.

...Does apply to exp. but the installed equipment must be TSOed.
Yes for EAB. But there is a catch, the equipment must be TSO'd for the rebate.

As to the other question: As far as I am concerned, the $500 goes under "hobby income" for tax purposes. But "hobby expenses" are much larger, so zero net effect.
Does the equipment installed have to be newly purchased equipment?

My hangar neighbor is having his panel redone. He has a Garmin GTX330 he is willing to have upgraded to -ES (ADS-b Out) and then sell to me for a really good price.

I was hoping to purchase this unit and install into my aircraft.
Would I qualify for the rebate?
Does the equipment installed have to be newly purchased equipment?

My hangar neighbor is having his panel redone. He has a Garmin GTX330 he is willing to have upgraded to -ES (ADS-b Out) and then sell to me for a really good price.

I was hoping to purchase this unit and install into my aircraft.
Would I qualify for the rebate?

You would qualify for the rebate if you have never had an ADS-B Out capable transponder or UAT box installed in the past AND have a certified position source, which limits you to GNS-W or GTN models for the 330ES, I believe.
You would qualify for the rebate if you have never had an ADS-B Out capable transponder or UAT box installed in the past AND have a certified position source, which limits you to GNS-W or GTN models for the 330ES, I believe.

According to the FAA website the a Freeflight WAAS 1201 also qualifies, as does the Garmin GIA 63W. I don't know about the Avidyne IFD's qualify, but they are not listed by the FAA.
Got my ADS-B rebate

Installed Stratus ESGi EXPERIMENTAL KIT in my RV-10 in Dec 2016 test flew under DFW Class B space on 12/18, verified flight online, completed rebate and received check before Chistmas. Fast rebate system. Anyone want to buy used Garmin GTX327 with tray, working order when removed. So yes does apply to experimental aircraft with right equipment and no 1099 tax form received yet. just trying to learn how to use Foreflight now.

Gerald George
I just applied for my rebate. Passed with flying colors (greens on the GAIRS report). How long does it take to get an email back on the rebate claim?
Although the FAA form said up to 6 weeks, IIRC Mine came within two weeks.
Ops, mis-read. Email verification came in a day or two. Check came in the mail in a few weeks.
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