
Well Known Member
Just had GDL82 installed in my RV 7 and during the flight home, according to ATC center controller, he was receiving all the info he was supposed to receive including correct altitude readout. Is the Performance Report required now in order for me to operate in controlled airspace? No rebate involved here.
not required per se, but I would still go get one. it takes 2 minutes and will verify everything is working right. If there is something wrong you can correct it before you get a non-compliance notice from the FAA.
What odens_14 said. The FAA recommends you run a report on a regular basis to ensure you remain in compliance.
Log entry

Just had GDL82 installed in my RV 7 and during the flight home, according to ATC center controller, he was receiving all the info he was supposed to receive including correct altitude readout. Is the Performance Report required now in order for me to operate in controlled airspace? No rebate involved here.

If you installed yourself you should make a log entry noting date you got a report with no red blocks, (aka passing report) according to 14 FAR 91.227. (Will be in FAA logs if ever questioned)

Simple to get report

Careful if asking for multiple flights on same day report...Zulu time trips some folks up, as well as the date if flight is an evening flight.
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So, are you all saying that if there was a question of compliance, that ATC would not make mention of it IN REAL TIME? And the next thing that happens is that I'm served with a written notice of non compliance?

If that is the case, then why is the ADSB Performance Report not MANDATORY after installation and a periodic requirement? Or is this just another one of those "we're here to help you" gotchas courtesy of Big Brother (FAA)?
If that is the case, then why is the ADSB Performance Report not MANDATORY after installation and a periodic requirement? Or is this just another one of those "we're here to help you" gotchas courtesy of Big Brother (FAA)?

Let's don't mess with a good system! the ADSB PR is a excellent tool to check and be sure all is well with compliance and it's there any time you need it. We don't need a reason for it to be Mandatory. Just use it and enjoy the benefits. There's not that many out there!
I agree..I'm scheduling my performance test for early next week.

No need for a "performance test" like the one for getting the rebate. As long as you are in radar range, the PAPR should be available via the request site mentioned above.
I ran the report after install...mainly for rebate purpose.
I run one right after each condition inspection and document it. Just because.