We have installed the uAvionix Tail Beacon (Experimental version) in our RV 4 and conducted a round trip verification flight from Trenton NJ (KTTN) to Reading PA (KRDG).
Asked for a PAPR report and received an email reply in less than 30 minutes.

About to submit a rebate form to uAvionix for their $150 rebate but there are some things I question in the PAPR report.

1) There are zero red high-lighted items in the report but nowhere else in the report is there a statement that it is a passing report. Is this normal? Should we assume the lack of red high-lights constitutes a passing report?

2) I'm concerned about the duration of the flight and if it meets the requirements. i.e.
In the "Operation Summary" of the report it lists Duration of the flight as 01:03:53
But Rule (two to the right of duration) is listed as 00:27:05

If you look at the PAPR Users guide, on page 6 they define "Rule" as:
"Time spent within ADS‐B Out Rule Airspace."

I'm not sure, but I thought we needed a minimum of 30 minutes within ADSB airspace.

What say you, any who have already requested the $150 rebate from uAvionix? Does this report do it?
I ran into similar confusion with the FAA. I wasn't in appropriate airspace and I wasn't up for 30 minutes and neither one was a factor. The lady at the FAA was apologetic about the stuffy rules and I got some kind of nebulous response.

Can't answer your other question, don't remember...


I sent an inquiry to uAvionix asking if the less than 30 minutes of "Rule" flight is a problem. Going to wait until I hear from them before submitting the rebate form.

BTW ? The GDL 39 3D you sold me worked beautifully and integrated well with both the Garmin Aera 796 and Garmin Pilot on my ipad mini. Both at the same time!
Showed traffic and weather.

The new technology is amazing.
A far cry from juggling charts in the cockpit and marking off checkpoints when I first began flying in 1971.
(But I still carry a current paper chart in the plane just in case)
ADSB Performance Flight

BTW ? Anyone following this post

If the less than 30 minutes of ADSB "Rule" time is a problem in getting the uAvionix rebate ?

We'll just do another flight and stay within the Philadelphia Mode C veil the entire time and see if that does the trick. The flight we did from Trenton (KTTN) to Reading (KRDG) passes in and out of the Philly Mode C veil.
Maybe that was the "Rule" time problem.

Either way I'll keep the forum informed as I'm sure many will have issues as we all need to comply with ADSB sometime this year.
On my first attempt the report showed two red and two green responses. So I failed. I sent an email to the FAA and the response I received said that my ADSB equipment worked flawlessly but that I was not in ?ruled? airspace for 30 minutes. I was told to fly again but that would I did not have to do any maneuvers. I flew again and was in ?ruled? airspace according to my clock and Approach Control from Chattanooga for 53 minutes I requested another report and received the same two red and two green, another failure. I requested that the FAA do a manual review of my flight. They responded in a short time telling me I was only in ?ruled? airspace for 29 minutes and 8 seconds. The response told me they would override the previous report and give me a pass.
I didn?t want to argue so I just accepted the pass. I now await the rebate.
What makes no sense to me is that in the first flight they recognized that my ADSB equipment functioned as required but I got a failure. In the second flight gut the times they reported did not match my times which I had Approach Control hack for me as I entered and departed their Class C airspace.
Very frustrating and curious. No use arguing with them.
If it's clear weather just climb.

I got bored maneuvering in the TUS Class C with a controller not having any idea of what I was doing. :)

Rule airspace is anything over 10,000 ft so I simply climbed and left the Class C area - making the required 30 minutes was easy then.
We have installed the uAvionix Tail Beacon (Experimental version) in our RV 4 and conducted a round trip verification flight from Trenton NJ (KTTN) to Reading PA (KRDG).
Asked for a PAPR report and received an email reply in less than 30 minutes.

About to submit a rebate form to uAvionix for their $150 rebate but there are some things I question in the PAPR report.

1) There are zero red high-lighted items in the report but nowhere else in the report is there a statement that it is a passing report. Is this normal? Should we assume the lack of red high-lights constitutes a passing report?
1) Yes, if there are no red highlights, it is a passing report. Good to go for rebate.
Maneuvers not necessary

I just flew a cross country where I spent more than 30 mi utes above 10k? and got approved.

My tailbeacon flagged a couple of items the first time I went up. UAvionix suggested I change the threshold. This resulted in no red items on the performance report and qualified for the uAvionix rebate. For the FAA rebate on another transponder, I had to fly under class b for 30 min and also not have any red on the the performance report. It was a bit more involved than the uAvionix rebate requirements.
Taken from another forum:
There's confusion between the PAPR and the GAIRS report used specifically for the FAA rebate. PAPR will only include Red for failed checks. PAPR can be run any time after any flight. GAIRS is only for the rebate and is the one that has GREEN and (hopefully) no RED.

PAPR User guide is at: https://adsbperformance.faa.gov/PAPRRequest.aspx#

FWIW: The one for the FAA rebate (GAIRS) has a big box at the top that says "Fly and Validate", but the other page gives no clue that it isn't the correct page if you're trying to get the rebate. I don't know which one uAvionix accepts.

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