
Got a 430W feeding a 330ES transponder. All latest software updates, pin connects are correct. Getting a continuous SIL error on the ADSB Performance Report. Any thoughts on cause ? Mike

SIL <3 is a gps error

Good SIL is > or equal 3

To be acceptable in the United States, the following performance has to be demonstrated:
• NACp ≥ 8
• NACv ≥ 1
• NIC ≥ 7
• SIL ≥ 3
• SDA ≥ 2

NIC – Navigation Integrity Category, which specifies an integrity containment radius around an aircraft’s reported position

• SIL – Source Integrity Level indicates the probability of the reported horizontal position exceeding the containment radius defined by the NIC

I’m not a garmin user, so I’m guessing 430W means it is a WAAS gps.

Bet issue is a setup issue. Would think others with same setup (gps source and transponder can help u sort it out.

I can not find a menu selection for INTGRTY in the 430W. Looking for the set up process to get to this page in the 430W......Thanks, Mike
IIRC, there was a 430W software update necessary for the current ADSB requirements. If you 430W is old it may need this.
GPS Integrity Setting

Got a 430W feeding a 330ES transponder. All latest software updates, pin connects are correct. Getting a continuous SIL error on the ADSB Performance Report. Any thoughts on cause ? Mike

Hi Mike,

The GPS configuration page accessible in configuration mode on the GTX 330ES, allows you to specify the GPS integrity setting, which should be 1e-7 for your installation.


This link provides a good overview of the settings and software levels required to make this datapath work.

Let us know if you have all of this covered and are still having issues.


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