pierre smith

Well Known Member
I called Dynon on a lark and asked if ADSB in could possibly be displayed on a D100 and the answer was 'No'.

I then wondered about in info on a 496. Do any of you know if that may be possible?

Why not use iPad w/ ForeFlight which has WiFi for your ADS-B?
I have D-180, 296, and the above...
It is possible. The 496 uses the old TIS format, if I recall correctly. Some ADS-b units will output that format. I think that I remember the Navworx outputting that format. Most all Mode S transponders also output that format. Many of the new ADS-b in units do not. The 496 also has a limit on the number of targets displayed. I believe it is either 4 or 8. The 396 was part of my ads-b traffic presentation plan before upgrading from the D100 to the GRT.

However, if you have the space, you can do an ipad + stratux for under $300 + foreflight subscription and have a much nicer presentation.

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My understanding from the Garmin manuals is that the 496 can display a small number of traffic targets (limited to 8), IF you have a GTX 330 or GDL 39. There's a Garmin proprietary data format that nothing else that I've seen provides. There is some rumbling an the Stratux community that it would be nice to have that but no one has coded it yet.

Since I have a D-180 and a 496, I looked into it extensively. I was at one time planning to pull the 496 and use a 696 instead. Same deal; GDL-39 only, but a bigger screen and it could display up to 30 targets. It's all about personal choices and preferences, but in the end I decided an Android tablet with a very nice, bright screen and a Stratux receiver was a better idea. I think I spent less on the tablet, Stratux setup and the RAM mount than the GDL 39 alone would have cost.
As a cfi you can get WingX for free. There are a number of ADSB-in boxes that will broadcast wifi traffic and wx data to an iPad and are compatible with WingX. I use Skyradar D2, but there are others.
Or just get a $250.00 Stratux unit and WIFI the data to the FREE FltPlanGo app on a tablet. This gets you full ADS-B in on a moving map with geo-referenced approach plates and free FAA data updates. I use this on an Android tablet (32Gb Samsung S2 Tab) which cost much less than an equivalent iPad and it works great.

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