
Well Known Member
Does any one know what would be the cost of upgrading a GTX330 with extended squitter for the ADS-B out compliance?

Also, is there a cheaper option if you already have the GTX 330 and ADS-B in?

Thanks in advance
Garmin Upgrade

I called Stein, he can handle everything for you, including shipping instructions. Mine took about 3 weeks, but that was last year. Since then there maybe other options, but he can also get you that information. My two cents :)
At the ADS-B forum this Sat at Copperstate Fly-in, it was said that is cost $1300 for the ES option.
Garmin charges $1,200... any additional fees on top of that are from the dealer (if there are any, but may be, such as shipping back and forth)..
Thanks folks for the info. Another aspect of this question was that if this is my best option?
Is there any limitation to a GTX 330 with ES compared to some other solution?

As a reference I have already purchased a skyradar for the ADS-B in which works on both frequencies.
You will need to get the software update for the 430W if you do not already have it for ADS-B. Cost me $50. I think it is version 5.03 installed this past spring.
You will need to get the software update for the 430W if you do not already have it for ADS-B. Cost me $50. I think it is version 5.03 installed this past spring.

Thanks Alton, $50 I can do considering how much every thing else cost.

Did you upgrade your GTX 330 and if so, how is your experince with it. Any issues?