
Unrepentant fanboy
I'm looking at a trip across the Rockies next month from Denver to Reno, wondering about how good the ADSB-IN signal situation is there in the tallest mountains?
Flew from Grand Junction to Durango yesterday. Had good WX on ADS-B but traffice info was not picking up targets at nearby airports...
I cruised around 11,000 ft.
Flew from Grand Junction to Durango yesterday. Had good WX on ADS-B but traffice info was not picking up targets at nearby airports...
I cruised around 11,000 ft.

This is not surprising. Remember The system only sends up traffic within 3500 vertical feet (I think that's the number) of you. Plus most aircraft are not ADSB-out equipped, so they only get into the system if radar can see them - often not true in mountain valley airports.
Dont's know about in the Rockies, but once you get into the Great Basin (Utah and Nevada), inflight coverage is good, don't expect to get anything on the ground (but you might get surprised).
I'll be westbound at 16,500 with flight following - was more concerned with weather than traffic, but I think I got my answer.
I flew into Leadville on Tuesday of this week. We were dodging rain showers, and fortunately, I had good ADSB weather data all the way in.