
Active Member
Need some advice from the group on my best solution for ADSB IN to GRT HX.

Right now my setup is:

Garmin 330es
Garmin 430W
Dual GRT HX screens
Stratus ADSB IN for ForeFlight

I get TIS traffic on the GRT and 430 screens today from the 330. I get ADSB in my iPad in foreflight.

The Stratus won?t work with GRT EFIS or my problem would be solved.

What I want is to replace the Stratus with a unit that will easily connect to the GRT and ForeFlight. USB into the GRT would be easiest but I could do a serial connection into the EFIS if needed.

I want the adsb data on both GRT screens so not sure if I need to wire to both. Also don?t know if there will be redundant data showing up from the 330es if I add adsb in.

Have been looking at FlightBox pro but would need to permanently install somewhere, add two antennas under the plane, etc. This is possible if it is the best solution but wanted to see if anyone else had a similar situation and solution or any ideas.

You may have a problem, as both Garmin and Foreflight keep some ADSB protocols as propriatary. I have a Skyradar D2 (about $500, factory refurbished) mounted behind the interior panel to the right of the copilot?s knee. Antennas are on the (inside) of the fiberglass door posts (RV10). WiFi to an iPad running WingX (Skyradar?s software also works) but I do not think it is compatible with Foreflight. USB to an HX. If your HX?s are interconnected with ethernet, the traffic and wx data will transfer over to the other HX. If they only have serial line interconnect, it will transfer only limited traffic and no wx.
This set up works fine for me.
Cheap option is build a Stratux ADSB receiver ($120-150) go to the website for instructions and what to purchase on Amazon. GRT avionics has a document on how to connect the stratux with a usb input. I built one and love it.

Other option which works very well for me is the Uavionix Echo. You can hook it up directly to GRT avionics which provides ADSB in and out. ($900). There are directions for how to hook it up to GRT devices in the echo install instructions. With the echo I no longer use my stratux but keep it as a backup source.