
Well Known Member

I took my first trip with the skyview SV-ADSB-470 installed. I am using the skyview transponder.

All I can say is OUTSTANDING! I do have a question for the Dynon Folks. According to the Skyview user guide, it will display TFR's. Does it also show active MOA, restricted etc airspace? comming out of Manteo, NC heading west, you have R-5314 and R-5302B. Center had me going to a fix that splits these two and they were highlighted in an orange color where other MOA's were a muted outline and center let me fly right through them.

The picture above shows a ghost reply that stuck in the same position and altitude relative to my plane. This happened only in the vicinity of Sioux City approach. I put about 20 hrs on this trip and this happened only once for 15-20 minutes. It was not hard to determine that it was a ghost target.

My trip was from ND,IN, SC, TN, MO, back to ND at 9000 & 10000ft. I had full ADSB almost the entire way except for on the tarmac. This is really great equipment guys, If you don't have one, get one!

ADS-B does transmit MOA/Restricted active status, but we currently don't use that data to highlight active airspaces, so what you were seeing was something else.

The ADS-B ghosting is something we have seen a few times ourselves. With a plane with MODE-S out like yours, it just isn't supposed to happen. We're discussing it with the FAA and trying to figure it out. It means the ADS-B system sees you but doesn't associate the radar return with your ICAO code. It's rare, which makes it kind of hard for us to figure it out. But we're looking.

Yours is particularly weird because it shows your ghost miles away. Usually the ghost is just maybe a hundred feet away. Thanks for the picture, it will help us in our investigation.
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