Well Known Member
I have a Garmin Suite in My Sling 2. Dual G3X Touch displays tied to a GTX-45R aNd GPS20A. Several times while flying I get a FAILED message on my traffic page. No ADSB, no TIS-B. I know ATC is seeing me, as they haven?t complained once while on Flight Following, so they are getting my identifier and altitude info.

When I go into setup the Datalink ICON is dark. When I go to the setup Bluetooth page, I see the GDU serial number and Not Connected or Searching. The green check mark is present and if it?s not, I go to manage and re-enable automatic connect.

So, what could it be? Where should I be looking? Why does it drop off. Any and all assistance appreciated. I hope G3eXpert chimes in.

Oh and on my last flight, MI to NY, it went out and came back on it?s own.
I have a Garmin Suite in My Sling 2. Dual G3X Touch displays tied to a GTX-45R aNd GPS20A. Several times while flying I get a FAILED message on my traffic page. No ADSB, no TIS-B. I know ATC is seeing me, as they haven?t complained once while on Flight Following, so they are getting my identifier and altitude info.

When I go into setup the Datalink ICON is dark. When I go to the setup Bluetooth page, I see the GDU serial number and Not Connected or Searching. The green check mark is present and if it?s not, I go to manage and re-enable automatic connect.

So, what could it be? Where should I be looking? Why does it drop off. Any and all assistance appreciated. I hope G3eXpert chimes in.

Oh and on my last flight, MI to NY, it went out and came back on it?s own.
Hello John,

Please contact us directly via [email protected] and we are happy to help you figure this out. Trying to troubleshoot over the internet for something like this isn't efficient.

I?ve been meaning to get a hold of g3xpert as well, but since the sw update on my 45r at osh I?ve been getting a voice alert ?traffic not available? even though tis-b and fis-b hav green check marks and I have traffic on the screen. Sounds like yours is a different issue, but just wanted to say I?ve been seeing some weird stuff with my 45r lately
I have a Garmin Suite in My Sling 2. Dual G3X Touch displays tied to a GTX-45R aNd GPS20A. Several times while flying I get a FAILED message on my traffic page. No ADSB, no TIS-B. I know ATC is seeing me, as they haven?t complained once while on Flight Following, so they are getting my identifier and altitude info.

When I go into setup the Datalink ICON is dark. When I go to the setup Bluetooth page, I see the GDU serial number and Not Connected or Searching. The green check mark is present and if it?s not, I go to manage and re-enable automatic connect.

So, what could it be? Where should I be looking? Why does it drop off. Any and all assistance appreciated. I hope G3eXpert chimes in.

Oh and on my last flight, MI to NY, it went out and came back on it?s own.

This just started happening to me yesterday, same pattern of intermittent then consistent failure. I have a single G3x, GTN 625 and GTX45r. I am curious what you found and how you found the solution. I emailed G3xpert as well.

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You might check the software versions in your G3X and GTX-45R. My -45R worked fine for the first two flights, then on the third flight I got a TXP FAIL (or something like it) message on the G3X. The problem went away after an avionics power cycle.

After talking with the G3Xpert folks, I found Garmin had released a GTX-45R software update after I had my transponder updated at OSH 19, and upgrading to G3X software version 8.72 created an incompatibility with the older software in my transponder. They recommended updating it as a first step in troubleshooting so I had an avionics person come over and install the latest -45R software and since then I've had no problems. Your symptoms may be different but it's still worth a check.



ps - friendly request to the G3Xpert folks...we can do our own software updates in the G3X and GTNs, how about making the software available to update transponders as well?
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Thanks for that advice. I do maintain the latest updates through the G3x (8.72)and GTN 625 (6.71). Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the GTN updates include updates for the LRUs as well. Nonetheless, I'm going to check what version my GTX currently shows. Also, coincidently, this most recent update in late January was done while my plane was in annual. These symptoms started with my first flight afterwards. Not sure if there were any configuration changes on that update (I don't see anything that refers to the GTX in the bulletin) but is's a thought.
All thoughts are welcome and appreciated as I'm stretching my knowledge base here....
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the GTN updates include updates for the LRUs as well.
G3X software updates definitely handle the G3X system LRUs, but I'm 99.99 percent sure they don't include the GTN or transponder. Perhaps Garmin will confirm one way or another.

FWIW, the post-update GTX-45R configuration given to me by my avionics tech shows a system version of 2.54, and the specific part that required updating was the ADS-B software to version 3.13. If memory serves you can find the transponder system version by looking at the G3X System Information or Transponder pages in config mode - pretty sure it's the Transponder page.


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Holy cow, mine says 2.05😮 where do I find the update for the GTX and instructions for install?
Unfortunately Garmin doesn't make transponder software updates available for user installation. It'll have to be done on the bench by an avionics shop, or if you've got a USB connector wired to your transponder backshell connector, the update can be done on the airplane by your shop using a laptop.


This is where things are now. Yesterday I booted up in configuration mode on both the G3x and GTN 625. Both systems are up to date . My line drawing shows the GTN and GTX communicate through an ethernet connection and that tested just fine. The transponder check on the G3x identified my software version as 2.05 ( I'll get with an avionics shop to update that) and a green check. Then, checked the GTN further with a traffic check....FAIL! Just as a secondary check, I tried to connect through bluetooth for traffic and that failed as well. I powered down, checked antenna connections at both ends which felt secure and checked the connections to the GTX and GTN which were both rock solid. Powering up again everything is working??!? Did that 3 more times, off-on-off-on-off-on and everything is working. Went for an hour flight with no errors. Lastly, I checked my ADS-B performance report with the FAA website for Thursday 3/04/21 when I noted the problem and everything reported just fine. Looks like the problem is restricted to traffic reporting and not transponder transmission.
So, it's working without knowing what went wrong and I fully expect it to fail again. Intermittent failures are the worst to deal with. Does anyone have ideas beside the updating?