
Well Known Member
Spoke to Christer at Steins today. Been mulling over the ADSB option for my G3X system. Well if you don't know there is a pretty good discount (Or so Garmin says) if you get it with the system. ($750 + accessories). So I ordered it. Panel wind up looking like this:

Dual G3X system with GX pilot
Remote Modes S 330. (GTX 23)
GTN 650
GMA 240 Audio Panel

With the combo of the ADSB and the GTX 23, apparently if a dragon fly poots it will show me speed and direction of travel.
Stein and the whole crew had one hooked up today with the antenna at the window in the building and there words were: "We didn't know there were this many airplanes around!" I told em to get back to work on my stuff. He hung up on me. Whatever, I have an airplane to finish anyway. I was going to hang up on him but...

Doug has already promised a preview with his G3X system. I will take a platter of cookies and some 100LL and we will both be happy that day.

If you are flying the ADBS and the mode S I would love to hear about it!

I put the Navworx system in my -10 right before Oshkosh and started getting coverage near Pierre, SD. I loved the traffic info and weather on the Chelton since I don't have WSI. Cannot wait until we get ADS-B here in Utah, it will be a real life saver.
I would not give up my XM Weather for awhile out here. It is really nice to be in a deep canyon camping and pull up the weather info on the XM weather.

Here are a couple of shots from our flight back from Oshkosh showing traffic and weather on the Cheltons.

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Thanks Scott. Appreciate the input. I guess no one else out there has it yet. Congrats on being the first!
Thanks Scott. Appreciate the input. I guess no one else out there has it yet. Congrats on being the first!

Try to get Mutha (Thocker) to send you some pics..he's been flying it for awhile and has some decent feedback on the GDL setup with the G3X... I know we've shipped out many dozens of these, so there are others flying with them!

easier to see in the second photo (with no NexGen radar wx):

Above and to the left of center an arrowhead pointer showing direction of traffic (roughly same as his airplane) and altitude (2900 feet lower)
Bob, I am installing the same package as you sans the "ADSB Box". What is the "box"?


It's just a small "Box" that will give you free weather and traffic. It will fit right behind your panel without any trouble. ADSB is the Next Gen 2020 requirement from the govenment. You will need the "Box", a transponder cable and antenna, serial connection and viola! Free stuff. Cost around $920 everything included from Stein.

OK, for us not well versed in square gauges, I cannot find the traffic!

Don, Bob Turner is right. Look for a triangle at the 11 o'clock from the aircraft he is in. Actually if you nitice the first pic is actually the second pic taken. If you look at the second then the first one you can see how fast the "10" is gaining on him! The pics are only 6 seconds apart. (probably made that Mooney driver mad...) ;)

It's just a small "Box" that will give you free weather and traffic. It will fit right behind your panel without any trouble. ADSB is the Next Gen 2020 requirement from the govenment. You will need the "Box", a transponder cable and antenna, serial connection and viola! Free stuff. Cost around $920 everything included from Stein.

Don, Bob Turner is right. Look for a triangle at the 11 o'clock from the aircraft he is in. Actually if you nitice the first pic is actually the second pic taken. If you look at the second then the first one you can see how fast the "10" is gaining on him! The pics are only 6 seconds apart. (probably made that Mooney driver mad...) ;)

I think it's very important to note that without ADS-B out (GTX23 or 330ES), you may or may not receive traffic, and, the traffic you do see
will be incomplete (will not show all the traffic that is in your "zone").
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OK, thanks. My skyview will put up a yellow box saying "traffic", better for us old folks I guess. Not sure if it ever displays the traffic altitude though.
easier to see in the second photo (with no NexGen radar wx):

Above and to the left of center an arrowhead pointer showing direction of traffic (roughly same as his airplane) and altitude (2900 feet lower)
I think it's very important to note that without ADS-B out (GTX23 or 330ES), you may or may not receive traffic, and, the traffic you do see
will be incomplete (will not show all the traffic that is in your "zone").

Walt is correct. You NEED a "S" mode transponder to make the ADSB work. Incomplete is a very light word I think. You do get a lot of traffic with the Mode S alone and the ADSB will add to that and replace it in some instances since it does not "steal" traffic from near by aircraft.

Thanks for the input Walt. Appreciate your knowledge.