
Well Known Member
I am still trying to understand what I will need to have on board to take advantage of all the ADS-B IN signals and be compliant for ADS-B OUT.

Heres whats in my Panel:
Garmin GTN 650
Garmin Aera 550 (flightplan wired to the GTN650)
Garmin GDL-39 portable ADS-B antenna (Hardwired with garmin cable)
Narco AT-165 digital transponder
Apple Ipad 3rd gen with 64GB

Here are my questions:
1. I am only displaying ADS-B partial traffic and weather GDL-39(hardwired) to the Aera 550.
Can I also wire/send this information to display on the GTN 650?

2. Can I buy the Garmin APP for Ipad and have traffic and weather on Ipad (via wireless) signal at the same time it is displaying (hardwired) on the Aera 550?

3. To accomodate ADS-B OUT I will either have to update my transponder to an ES model or purchase a GDL-88 unit from Garmin? Which is better? I assume I may need to install another antenna to accomodate the 'OUT' signal?

4. I understand that in order to see 'All' the traffic around me via ADS-B 'IN' I will need to have my plane equiped with ADS-B 'OUT'. Do I need a GDL-88 to see 'All' the traffic or will an ES transponder and the GDL-39 be sufficient?

*I guess my biggest concern is to be able to see ALL the traffic around me.
The easiet solution would be to replace your Narco transponder with a Garmin Mode-S ES transponder. The new transponder and 650 will take care of the OUT. The GDL-39 will take care of the IN....just display it right on the 650.

A 2nd antenna is not needed for OUT. The OUT is accomplished by the transponder antenna. However, a permanently mounted external antenna for the GDL (ADS-B IN) would be very beneficial.
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You do not need GDL-88.. a 330ES transponder is all you'd need to be OUT compliant, and GDL-39 is sufficient to get all the traffic.
Can I also wire/send this information to display on the GTN 650?

The GDL-39 will take care of the IN....just display it right on the 650.

The GDL-39 will not talk to the GTN650.

2. Can I buy the Garmin APP for Ipad and have traffic and weather on Ipad (via wireless) signal at the same time it is displaying (hardwired) on the Aera 550?

Yes, the GDL-39 can handle two BlueTooth and one hardwired device at the same time.
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Sorry to make this confusing....

According to the manuals for all the portable ADS-B antennas, they 'will not' or 'may not' display all traffic in the area.

By having a hard wired panel mounted ADSB OUT (such as a Garmin ES transponder) will this enable my portable Antenna GDL-39 to then see 'ALL' the traffic?

OR will I need a GDL-88 which supports IN & OUT.

It almost sounds to me that if your aircraft is sending an ADSB OUT signal, the ground tower will then respond with ALL traffic in your area?

This website will answer a ton of your questions:

By having a hard wired panel mounted ADSB OUT (such as a Garmin ES transponder) will this enable my portable Antenna GDL-39 to then see 'ALL' the traffic?

As long as the Garmin ES xponder has either a G3X or a GNS/GTN series GPS feeding it data, you will be able to receive TIS-B data.

will I need a GDL-88 which supports IN & OUT.
Not if you have the above...

It almost sounds to me that if your aircraft is sending an ADSB OUT signal, the ground tower will then respond with ALL traffic in your area?
If you have a properly formated ADS-B out package and the proper receiver, you will be able to receive TIS-B as long as it is available in your area.
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Also, you don't have to buy a Garmin Transponder for out. A Trig TT22 will work just as well as a 330ES and costs $2,100 less (almost half!)
Also, you don't have to buy a Garmin Transponder for out. A Trig TT22 will work just as well as a 330ES and costs $2,100 less (almost half!)

Except if there is already a hole cut for the Narco, then the TT22 doesn't fit...however a TT31 would for slightly more dollars (and is standard size like the Garmin/Narco/King units).

which position sources are *approved* for TT22? I don't think GTN is one of them (yet? ever?)...
The GTN with the latest software is approved for use with the Trig units, so is a GNS (4XXW/5XXW).

An "appropriate" GPS in the USA means a certified unit (and only specific ones). This is not a legal requirement until 2020.