
Well Known Member
ADS-B Survey for Aircraft Owners
Notice Number: NOTC5949

You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University on ADS-B. The study is interested in your perceptions and motivations about the ADS-B 2020 mandate; including your perceptions about the cost of ADS-B installation. It is estimated that it will take less than 8 minutes to complete the survey.

The results will measure the perceptions and motivations of aircraft owners and operators on ADS-B out.

Please click on the following link to complete the ADS-B survey:

Kenneth P. Byrnes, Ph.D

Chairman, Flight Training Department

Associate Professor, Aeronautical Science Department

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Daytona Beach, FL

Office: (386) 226-6893

Email: [email protected]
Yep I got that too.

I asked for $2K - $3K ADS-B and in the comments wrote a bunch about my wish for VFR non Class A,B flying with a non certified WAAS GPS for position source. That would really bring the costs down for Experimental aircraft like us!
Tax Credit?

Yes I got one too...

One interesting item - a mention of "would you install quicker with a Federal Tax Credit"

This is the first I've seen a mention of an ADS-B tax credit, has anyone seen that anywhere else?

Very appropriate given tomorrows deadline...:)
Yep, got one too. Filled and sent in 5 minutes. Surprised how much I knew about ADS-B, wonder where I learned it. Dan