
Well Known Member
Hi sorry if this has been covered before. I have combed the net and not found what Im looking for.

I have a single 7" Skyview with the certified SV transponder. I also have a G696 wired into the SV tx/rx. Ipad in a side pocket.

I would like to take advantage of the ADSb solution for one of them but would like some advise and guidance.

It seems that the SV ADSb is the most expensive unit on the market next to the Ilevil which includes BT, AHRS and other features. Almost every other ADSb module also has BT built in. The Skyview can not receive BT so I guess I see why it not in there.

The GDL-39 unit cost less and has Bluetooth (for Ipad with GPilot) but will have to be wired in for use with the G696. THis would however give me weather and traffic on two devises, both with larger screens. (provided I buy Gpilot app)

The GDL will not talk to the Dynon (they want you to buy their adsb unit) but the Dynon module will feed weather and traffic to the g696.

Am I correct in that the Dynon ADSb module will allow me to view the traffic and weather on the or both the 696 and the skyview?

Since the Skyview screen is so small and I need it for PFD and EIS I will probably use the 696 for navigation, so would it be better to buy the cheaper ADSb unit and have it on the 696 (where I will view it anyway if possible) and have the option of adding the Ipad to the mix and the ability to let my Dad in the Cessna use the 696/GDL combo when needed?

Is there a third option i should consider like the ILevil as a stand alone back up AHRS with ADSb for only a few hundred more than the Dynon ADSb module? IF I went that route what devises could display the Ilevil traffic and weather?

Do any of the above options limit the picture by not showing all the available info when compared to other solutions?

Thanks for any who take the time to edumicate me.

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Maybe I am wrong by saying this in the North American market, but I strongly urge you to check this carefully, as the last thing any of us need is a world wide knee jerk reaction from the regulators.

As far as I am aware, the use of ADSB out requires a mandatory TSO146 GPS to be connected to the transponder. If you do not have this, you are not permitted to broadcast ADSB out. Nothing stops you receiving data via the UAT system though.

Double check this from a known reliable source first. Stein are you around to comment?

For any Aussies reading this, my statement above is 100% accurate.

So using a G695 will not cut it.
You can use whatever GPS you want as long as the correct flags are sent in the ADS-B out data. Do not lie to the Feds by sending false data. In 2020, it will become more complex in that if you fly into airspace where ADS-B out is required, you will have to be using the TSO'd position source.

The good news is that at this time, even VFR GPS's are being accepted by the ground stations for turning on TIS-B traffic.
SkyView will not output weather...

I have a SkyView with ADS-B and a 696 with XM... the SkyView does output Mode S targets to the 696 but not ADS-B traffic or weather.

Here is a screenshot of weather presentation on both for reference:

Brian, are you talking about a non TSO GPS feeding through an ES transponder? Also, how many UAT's are even on the market?
Brian, are you talking about a non TSO GPS feeding through an ES transponder? Also, how many UAT's are even on the market?

Yes, Garmin is doing this with the G3X today. The G3X can feed data to the GTX23ES transponder and with the latest software, you will get a full TIS-B uplink icon and the uplink traffic if all of the other requirements to get one are present.

I think some of the other systems are doing this as well.

There are a few UAT's...

Garmin has the GDL88
Navworx has one
FreeFlightSystems has one

I am sure there are most likely others but I don't keep up with em.
The GDL will not talk to the Dynon (they want you to buy their adsb unit) but the Dynon module will feed weather and traffic to the g696.

The others are correct, Dynon can provide the old TIS to the 696 but it cannot send it weather or the new TIS-B at least not in its native format.
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As far as I am aware, the use of ADSB out requires a mandatory TSO146 GPS to be connected to the transponder. If you do not have this, you are not permitted to broadcast ADSB out. [/QUOTE]

You can as other have stated use any GPS for the required signal now until 2020 mandate then it must be a certified unit. I believe that Trig who makes the Dynon transponder already has a compatable GPS receiver that is certidied. Of course pricey!
Very interesting stuff. As usual you guys lead the way in gentle transitions.

Over here we have a bunch of anti-everythinngers. So we have ADSB with TSO only. Either you have it or you do not.
I believe that Trig who makes the Dynon transponder already has a compatable GPS receiver that is certidied. Of course pricey!

Same goes for the newly certified Navworx ADS600-BG. It now contains a internal certified WAAS GPS for use in the output data stream. (prior ADS600-B units have an uncertified WAAS GPS)

Not saying internal GPS is the only or the best way. Depends on the situation. Any ADS-B out UAT could be supported by a certified WAAS GPS like a 430W.

I have a 430W but I have chosen the new Navworx box to be 2020 compliant and also provide a second WAAS GPS source to my EFIS.