
Well Known Member
I have been seeing this little USB Dongle for sale on e-bay and other places, that claim to be a Software Defined Receiver (SDR) that covers 24Mhz to something like 2400Mhz and they only cost about $23.00 shipped and the software is FREE. It covers all modes. AM, FM, WFM, USB, LSB, CW, DSB, RAW.

Has a great waterfall display.

A friend wrote an article for QST. Bob's article is about using one of these SDR dongles to track aircraft.

Here are some links to help you. Month in QST/January 2014/VirtualRadarJan2013QST.pdf
Just needs some pi

Sweet. One of these, a Raspberry Pi, and a cheap laptop display and you've got your own on board WX display.