
Well Known Member
Has anyone wired an ads-b raspberry stratux to their EFIS (GRT Horz 10.1, Dynon Skyview, Garmin G3x). Right now I use it with WIFI to a Samsung Tablet. Planning a panel upgrade and thinking this portable unit could be integrated into the panel for ADS-B in.

I have one USB open, Ethernet open. Does the micro USB for power have data as well?

Do I need new software to hardwire seral out?

There are WIFI to Serial adapters. Has anyone used that?
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Using Stratux with GRT SX

I've been using a RaspberryPi loaded with software providing serial out available from the GRT website for years now.

Similar to above, inexpensive 12V to 5 Volt adapter for power, USB to Serial adapter to feed a serial port on the display.

Also using the WiFi output to an IFly. Pretty much covers all the bases with an inexpensive solution.

Yes, it works with GRT stuff anyway. Not sure what you are using it with. You will have to use one of the USB ports and it gets busy up there. The Micro port is ONLY for power. Yes, you will have to update the software to use the serial port. You will have to search on the GRT website for a document:
Stratux Open Source ADS-B Receiver Equipment Supplement

It explains in detail how to do it and how it works. You will not have to have a USB serial adapter. You use pins on the USB connector wiring. You NEED this document because of the detail regarding the wiring, the software update and the baud rate.
Yes, it works with GRT stuff anyway. Not sure what you are using it with. You will have to use one of the USB ports and it gets busy up there. The Micro port is ONLY for power. Yes, you will have to update the software to use the serial port. You will have to search on the GRT website for a document:
Stratux Open Source ADS-B Receiver Equipment Supplement

It explains in detail how to do it and how it works. You will not have to have a USB serial adapter. You use pins on the USB connector wiring. You NEED this document because of the detail regarding the wiring, the software update and the baud rate.

There's some incomplete information here.

1. You do need a USB to serial adapter for the Stratux.
2. You need a free RX Serial port on the GRT.
3. The Stratux will detect the USB to serial adapter and offer the ability to set the baud rate in the setup screen. If you don't see that, your USB to serial adapter is broken. If you buy the single-board USB to serial adapter that Stratux sells there is an infant mortality rate with them and some do not work out-of-the-box.
4. GRT recommends a different USB to serial adapter, one built into a cable. It's mentioned in this video:

I've set up two of these in the last year with one USB-Serial board failure. The single-board USB-serial is a bit hokey. While I haven't tried the cable-type recommended in the video, that design is much more robust.
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Serial Adapter

I bought and used this device,(Stratux Serial Adapter (RS-232/TTL/RS-485) CP2102 ) which required no other gizmo or cable. Just solder the ground and tx and rx wires to the device and run them to the GRT. Mine works great. Just pay attention to what is TX and what is RX. If nothing works when you get through and you dont see any activity on the GRT Serial setup, make sure you have the right baud rates set up and make sure you have the serial output firmware on the Stratux. If it all checks out reverse the TX and RX and see. You cant hurt anything doing this but the TX on one end is the RX on the other end, so it is confusion. This requires some setup on the Stratux menu using your phone to see the setup menu on the Stratux. It worked flawlessly for me.

PS I bought my serial addapter on Amazon. Search using the info above.
There's some incomplete information here.

1. You do need a USB to serial adapter for the Stratux.
2. You need a free RX Serial port on the GRT.
3. The Stratux will detect the USB to serial adapter and offer the ability to set the baud rate in the setup screen. If you don't see that, your USB to serial adapter is broken. If you buy the single-board USB to serial adapter that Stratux sells there is an infant mortality rate with them and some do not work out-of-the-box.
4. GRT recommends a different USB to serial adapter, one built into a cable. It's mentioned in this video:

I've set up two of these in the last year with one USB-Serial board failure. The single-board USB-serial is a bit hokey. While I haven't tried the cable-type recommended in the video, that design is much more robust.

I think the information provided here is already sufficient. But I just wanted to point out that when I tried the video link Youtube says "Video unavailable".

VAF Members to the rescue. GOT IT! :D It all makes sense.

Can I still use the WIFI on the Raz Pi Stratux to run a tablet WITH serial port in parallel driving the EFIS?
Can I still use the WIFI on the Raz Pi Stratux to run a tablet WITH serial port in parallel driving the EFIS?
Not only that, anyone onboard can use their tablets to connect to the Stratux and see traffic on their portable EFB, all at the same time. The Stratux supports multiple connections over WiFi.