Well Known Member
If you operate a Non Electric producing / alternator type aircraft such as a Cub type ,, which is exempt from the transponder requirement in class B . Will this same Cub Type be exempt from having to have ADS B equipment which needs an electrical system to operate it ??
As I understand it, nothing changes for "non-electric" aircraft. That is one reason I don't like the ADS-B requirement, aircraft with transponders and no ADS-B will be excluded from airspace above or under Controlled airspace, such as Class Bravo and Charlie but Cubs and the like can fly in that same airspace below the "wedding cake".
Having one of each I did read up on that and N941WR is correct. If the rules stay as is I will be able to fly under class B airspace with my J-3 but not with my Mode-s transponder equipped RV-8 without swapping my GPS source... .

Go figure.
One other detail, as I read it, any airplane that was certified when manufactured or subsequently certified with an engine driven electrical system must comply. If your Cub had an engine driven electrical system installed and then removed during a restoration or for any other reason, it sounds like you are required to have ADS-B, if you are going to fly in ASB-B required airspace.

Maybe some who is more familiar with this reg can comment.