
Well Known Member
I recently installed my Garmin GDL-82. I have made 3 test flights and used the online request for a performance report. 2 out of three times it came back saying no report generated. Yesterday the report came back, and everything worked, except a 1.5% missing baro data. Then today, another no report generated. Yet, I was asked to IDENT during my flight, and it was observed. So I was transmitting. This was very near KSDF international, not out in the boondocks. Any ideas why the failure to generate reports? Have others had this problem? Is this performance reporting system reliable or does ot go down a lot?
Around here it seems to be spot on. I have found that most of the time with the Garmin stuff that failures end up being configuration issues.

What kind of flying are you doing? Boring holes in the sky or flying around in longish straight legs? Hole boring can lead to increased errors on the report since many packets get lost or the algorithms on the FAA side start flagging extreme shifts in data.
The 3 nearest towers are SDF, Simpsonville to the east and Lanesville to the west. So far, no problems with coverage. Flew last night, good PAPR.
This might be a dumb question but are you doing the entire flight inside "rule airspace". Only by flying in "rule airspace" can you be fairly certain it isn't an FAA's equipment limitation and not yours.

Follow the guidelines for flying in ADSB airspace...class C, B and above 10,000 feet and enter Zulu date with your tail number and you shouldn?t have an issue. There is also a help email located on the webpage. I?ve run 4 reports over the last 2 weeks and have had no issue getting them back from the FAA even when not in ADSB airspace. I?d guess maybe you had a minor typo. Good luck!
Ads-b performance report

I know it?s not a configuration problem-the Garmin software installation tool didn?t flag anything. And why did the report work yesterday, but failed today while not having changed any configuration since then? Haven?t even connected the installation tool since then.
Rule airspace here is class C, around KSDF. I departed within, climbed to 2000? while still within, so that should be satisfied.
Like I said, I know am transmitting, since my IDENT was acknowledged from about 12 mi out.

Have you guys done multiple tests ?
Like I said, I know am transmitting, since my IDENT was acknowledged from about 12 mi out.

IDENT is a radar thing----------not ADSB.

We had a similar issue where we thought the problem was radar coverage, we finally contacted the "help" folks for the ADSB--------they explained the fact we did not have a radar coverage problem, but a lack of ADSB data out. Changed one setting and got a pass.

What area are you having the failure in??? The red highlighted part of the report.
Ads-b performance report

Yesterday?s report had one failure-1.5% of baro data was missing. Everything else 0 errors. But why would that result on no report today ?

Yes I know IDENT is a radar thing, but I just mentioned it to show transmission is happening.
I know it’s not a configuration problem-the Garmin software installation tool didn’t flag anything. And why did the report work yesterday, but failed today while not having changed any configuration since then? Haven’t even connected the installation tool since then.
Rule airspace here is class C, around KSDF. I departed within, climbed to 2000’ while still within, so that should be satisfied.
Like I said, I know am transmitting, since my IDENT was acknowledged from about 12 mi out.

Have you guys done multiple tests ?

I did not say it "was" a configuration issue, just that many times it turns out to be.

You said the report was intermittent and that the one report you did get back had missing data? Was that item red flagged on the report? If not, it was within tolerance.

The IDENT function is a feature of your transponder not your 978 UAT. The IDENT working has nothing to do with whether or not your UAT is working properly. The UAT does it's own transmitting.....

I highly suggest you send the one report you did get back to G3Xpert and have them take a look. They have some experience deciphering those reports and may have suggestions.

Yes, I have generated at least a dozen test reports, maybe more.
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I did my GAIRS/ rule airspace flight in the NE quadrant of the same SDF Class C all at 2300' msl/1800 ish AGL. Just stayed a few miles inside the outer ring flying arcs and reversals. LOU tower and SDF apch were both fine, the latter requiring at or below 2500' MSL.

The PAPR was all 0.0% errors, 97.9% on the TIS-B Client, Baro tracking started at 600' climbing out of JVY.

You can email them, per the reply text on each PAPR:

If you receive a PAPR with suspected false failure indications, please email [email protected] and request that your avionics performance be manually reviewed prior to taking maintenance action. Please attach the PAPR file and include (PAPR Review Request) in the subject line of the reply email to help expedite a response.