Darren Kerns

Well Known Member
I just had an uAvionix Echo installed in my RV7.

It passed the Compliance Report on the ground at Ron Collins.

However, tonight while doing the performance report in EVV airspace I got a 100% fail in Barometric pressure and Mode 3/A.

I have talked over and over to AFS and uAvionix about configuring everything. The Echo is wired into serial port #3 on the 3400S efis. I have had to configure everything because Collins did not do any of this. Well, some stuff they did but a lot they did not.

I am calling AFS and uAvionix tomorrow and I plan on flying the 7 back down to Collins to see if they can help.

Traffic and weather is showing up great on my iPad Mini 4. I have had other planes say they are picking me up good on their screens

I am wondering if I have something set wrong in the uAvionix Echo configuration page. Kurt at uAvionix can help me with that.

Shawn at AFS & Kurt have been great. I just don't know what else to do.

Can anyone tell me what I am missing? I am about to pull my hair out!!

Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
Is your Echo operating in the ?sniffer? mode? e.g., does it listen to your transponder to get barometric pressure and squawk code? I don?t own one, but I understand that there is a gain control that may need adjustment. Too little, it won?t hear the transponder; too much, it may overload the receiver. How close are the Echo?s and transponder antennas? Did ATC confirm they see you okay with mode C on radar?
It is hardwired into the transponder. Transponder antenna is under my feet and Echo antenna is behind baggage compartment.

EVV approach said they were picking me up good. I requested an altitude check and they said my transponder was right on the money with what was showing on my EFIS.

I am trying to post some pictures of my screens to show my Echo configuration page and my main 3400S Efis page. Maybe I have a setting wrong.


Thank you

I cannot say enough great things about Kurt at uAvionix. He saw my post and emailed me.

I messed up. I configured my right screen wrong. I want to apologize to Ron Collins because it is not their fault. I am to blame.

I will reconfigure later this afternoon.

Again, I cannot Thank Kurt enough. Your customer support is outstanding.

Thank you Kurt for helping me. I don't know what I would do without your support.

Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
Update: Echo Fixed!!

I just want to say THANK YOU to the following for the oustanding customer support during the install of my uAvionix Echo in my RV7.

I failed the ADS-B Performance Report over and over and my AFS screens would not show weather or traffic.

We had a wire in the wrong place and weather and traffic have never looked so sweet after putting the wire in the right place.

I want to personally Thank Kurt and Ryan at uAvionix for their endless support. You guys are absolutely the best. Your customer support is incredible.

I know they had to be sick of me talking to them over and over on the phone.

I want to Thank Shawn at AFS for his help. His knowledge was so helpful in getting my screens correctly set.

I want to Thank Jesse Saint for allowing me to pick his brain to see if I was missing something else.

I want to Thank Ron Mattingly and the whole staff at Ron Collins Aviation Electronics for getting my Echo installation correct. Ron is an outstanding guy. True customer support to make it right.

Lastly, I want the Thank the Lord for his guidance.


Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT

Hi all, Hope someone out there can give me either suggestions or support for my solution. Last week I and my A&P mechanic installed a Garmin GDL-82 in to my "steam gauge" equipped RV-8. After two test flights I have received my "Performance Report" from the FAA and, both times have received a "beautiful RED box" indicating that the "Baro Alt" has a 31.78% fail.
I am assuming that my 12 year old AmeriKing encoder has crapped-out.

Is this a reasonable assumption or am I possibly looking in the wrong place?

The encoder will be a real "pain in the a$$ to replace especially with my bad 76 year old back.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

:Old Dave
Butler, PA
Don?t panic. I have had one or two failed reports only to then pass. I wonder how many of the issues are due to FAA equipment issues as opposed to user equipment.
Last week I and my A&P mechanic installed a Garmin GDL-82 in to my "steam gauge" equipped RV-8.
There are a lot of things you can check. First of all, what kind of transponder do you have? If it's old, that can be a problem. There's a test listed in the installation manual to check the power output and receiver sensitivity of your transponder before installing the GDL-82. You would need a transponder technician to do that. Also, since you are now broadcasting/receiving on both 1030 and 978 MHz, your old 1030 MHz antenna might not be optimum. Your coax could be too lossy. And, of course, you might have a loose wire between the encoder and transponder. If ATC isn't reporting any problems with your altitude, then I would think your encoder/wiring is OK and would look elsewhere. (Sorry about your back.)
Saving a burger for you

Hey Darren, are you planning on attending our EAA Chapter 21 Second Saturday burger, brat and dog flying at KEHR this Saturday? We will save a burger for you.

Steve Eberhart
I thought about it. I just wish it was not going to be so smoking tomorrow.

What times does it start?

Thanks for the invite!!

RV7 N599DT
On the app

Sitting on the ground with the app open will your altitude pressure and gps pressure match?
In the monitor mode.