
Well Known Member
I am not a very technical person so am looking for some input on the ADS-B requirement. My RV8 has a pretty minimum panel, a DYNON FlightDEK 180 with a KT76C transponder. I use a handheld Garmin GPS. What are the options for installing the minimum equipment required to satisfy the upcoming ADS-B requirements?
It is complicated.
Do you currently go places requiring a mode C transponder? If the answer is no, that means you avoid class A,B, C airspace, mode C veil, stay below 10,000'. If you continue to do that you need do nothing.
If you want to fly into those areas, then, by 2020, you must install an ADSB-out transmitter and a "position source" to feed it data.
The transmitter can be a mode S-ES transponder (sell your KT-76) or a "UAT" transmitter (keep the KT-76). Either of these must meet the requirements of some TSO standard ($$). The position source will be a gps which meets specifications outlined in FAR 91.227 (more $$).
My advice is to wait until the market sorts itself out.
Hi Burke,

NavWorx ( has a low-cost solution that should suit your needs. Their ADS600-EXP Transceiver is an 2020 compliant (Complies with the ADS-B Final Rule Technical Amendment, dated 2/9/2015, affecting 14 CFR 91.225 (b)(1)(ii) which permits ADS-B OUT in the National Airspace with devices that meet the performance requirements of TSO-C154c.)IN/OUT device. For it to work, you will need to install a GPS antenna for it to get position information, an UAT antenna and their TRANSMONSPE module to get the squawk code your KT-76 transponder is sending.

Total cost will be between $1500 and $2000 ( On the plus side, it has a wifi access point which will allow a tablet running WingX, Seattle Avionics FlyQ or iFly to receive traffic and weather.

They haven't started to ship this new product yet, but they should within the next few weeks. I will report back when I receive mine and get it installed.
Hi Burke,

NavWorx ( has a low-cost solution that should suit your needs. Their ADS600-EXP Transceiver is an 2020 compliant (Complies with the ADS-B Final Rule Technical Amendment, dated 2/9/2015, affecting 14 CFR 91.225 (b)(1)(ii) which permits ADS-B OUT in the National Airspace with devices that meet the performance requirements of TSO-C154c.)IN/OUT device. For it to work, you will need to install a GPS antenna for it to get position information, an UAT antenna and their TRANSMONSPE module to get the squawk code your KT-76 transponder is sending.

I think the "compliant" part remains to be seen, saying something on a website is not the same as having proof that it meets the requirements.

Don't forget like most aircraft operations, it's the operator that will be on the hook if there is a question of compliance with the regs not the vendor. :eek:

I just got off the phone with NavWorx concerning the ship date. According to them, I'm #10 on the shipment list. They haven't shipped yet, but do expect to ship by the end of this week or early next week (5/8 - 5/12).....

According to Navworx, they were to ship the first 20 units last week.
I just got off the phone with NavWorx concerning the ship date. According to them, I'm #10 on the shipment list. They haven't shipped yet, but do expect to ship by the end of this week or early next week (5/8 - 5/12).....

Delays, delays, delays.
I was told last week of the ship dates and then mine would be shipped mid- May
I do know my harness is built.
I'm #74. :(

I hope I get it before Oshkosh.