
Well Known Member
Does anyone know where an updated list of experimental ADS-B options can be found?

I was going the Navworx route, but we all know how that worked out. Plan B was Garmin - GDL 53, GDL 82 and Aera 660, but no word when GDL 82 will be available. Plan C was Garmin GTX 345 / Aera 660 but I'm choking on the $$$$.

Haven't seen a recent update of options in either Kitplanes, Sport Aviation or Aviation Consumer.
I started tracking a bunch of different options, including Trig and Garmin transponders with certified GPS sources, a year or so ago. Here are some I have found, other than uAvionix:

Skyguard TWX UAT OUT and dual band IN, about 1300 plus antennas.

L3 Lynx ($2300 for OUT only)

RANGR Lite ~$2.5K for OUT-only, $3.5K OUT & IN

Stratus ESG at ~$2.7K for OUT only

You can maybe see why I quit keeping track of these when uAvionix came out with theirs. Skyguard looks like it might be OK, but their web site is pretty thin on details. And, the owner hasn't responded to posts on the forums asking pointed questions about GPS performance and the FAA, so my confidence level in that product is pretty low. The other choices are pretty spendy, and some (Garmin and Appareo) lock you into specific hardware and/or software for displaying traffic and weather.

Then there's the Levil Beacon and the uAvionix Sky Beacon if all you want is OUT...

There are probably some I haven't seen yet, but I haven't seen anything yet that beats this at $1449 for IN and OUT. The Garmin 660 won't display traffic and weather from anything other than a Garmin IN box, but that's their loss. I'd buy a 660 if it would with with Stratux or uAvionix, but since it doesn't I'll just stick with my Android tablet (with free map and chart updates).
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My thoughts on ADSB IN.

Your Out depends on what you have currently installed and if you need a new xponder.
Your ADSB IN can be had for as little as $120 or so. Build a Stratux and permanently install it. Displays on just about anything except Garmin cockpit displays.
garmin 430

Will be using the Uavionics set-up which is pretty simple since all the wiring is in place from the Navworx. I only have to run a wire from my Garim 430 RS 232 out to the new box and should be set.
Installing a new transponder has advantages. There is only one box to fail. And if it does, there is no doubt about which unit has failed. You will not have to argue with two separate companies about whose unit is faulty. And there is only one transponder-ADS-B-OUT antenna.
Installing a new transponder has advantages. There is only one box to fail. And if it does, there is no doubt about which unit has failed. You will not have to argue with two separate companies about whose unit is faulty. And there is only one transponder-ADS-B-OUT antenna.

Eh? How do you figure that? If you go with the echoUAT and you no longer have traffic or wx its the failed box. If ATC cant hear your modeS, its your transponder.

Option 1: EchoUAT=$1000+used GTX327@$400=~$1400

Option 2: New GTX335=$3k

How does Opt1 not make sense?
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Eh? How do you figure that? If you go with the echoUAT and you no longer have traffic or wx its the failed box. If ATC cant hear your modeS, its your transponder.

Option 1: EchoUAT=$1000+used GTX327@$400=~$1400

Option 2: New GTX335=$3k

How does Opt1 not make sense?

If I understand the situation correctly, you would need to add the cost of a compliant GPS if you don't already have a GPS source. This would bring your total to ~$1800.

Also, the echoUAT is a 978 mhz transmitter which is limited to use in the USA under 18000'.

Installing a transponder such as the Stratus ESG provides 1090 mHz transmission which has no limitations and doesn't require purchasing an additional GPS, all for about $2200. Since I was replacing a twenty-year-old transponder, the Stratus was a no-brainer, especially since the FAA rebate brought the total cost down to about $1650. And I still have my old transponder in case I decide a 1918 Fokker D.VII replica needs one. :)

I use a hard-mounted $120 Stratux for ADS-B in which displays traffic and weather on the iFly GPS or any other EFB.
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RE: Options

While I'm not currently flying an RV, I'm in the process of installing the Rangr Lite (Out Only). I had intended to go the NavWorx route and replaced my KT-76A with a GTX327 (purchased off this forum) last year pinned out for the NavWorx. After NavWorx hiccupped, I ordered the Rangr Lite just before the rebate period ended. Wiring the altitude out of the new encoder - an ACK A-30 Mod 9 installed with the GTX. If I can get it installed and passed the flight test I'll have about $1500 plus the cost of wiring in the Rangr Lite after rebate. Tech support so far has been excellent.

Jim Berry
Abilene, TX
I?m amazed at how fast things are changing. 18 months ago you could plan on selling your 327 for $1K, and get an FAA rebate. Now 327?s are going for $400, and there are no more rebates. Planning is tough. At some point you just have to pull the trigger.