
Well Known Member
Foreflight and Sporty's just announced a new wireless ADS-B receiver designed to work with the iPad and the ForeFlight app to provide in-flight weather.

$799 one time cost, and because it's ADS-B instead of XM, no subscription fees.

The data products it includes are:
- NexRad
- TFR's

Might be worth a look-see...
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This is a great news. There is so much newer stuff/technology coming out that makes things even more exciting.
On the coverage chart, see that big blank area with no coverage in the middle of the country?

That's where I live. :(

That is great news. Now it would be even better if it worked with a Garmin Area 510 or a Garmin panel mount.

I was going to bite the bullet and pay XM $35/mos to get weather. I got so far as calling to place the order - I was almost there until the guy said the activation fee was $75. I'd like to think I'm not cheap but I had to ask - Why a $75 activation fee for weather when the activation fee for a music subscription is just $15. Is one more complicated to activate than the other??? After a pregnant pause I went on - "...well, as long as I'm asking questions, how many millions of dollars per year to pay Howard Stern to be obnoxious and obscene? I'm asking because you only seem to charge $15.99/mos to support him but to simply rebroadcast a subset of free data you want me to $35/month and if I want all of your free data, it's going to cost me $99/month. Can you help me understand your pricing schedule in a way that doesn't make me think you're gouging me because I own a plane to support the folks who can't support Stern?"

Three phone call referrals and two e-mails later, XM has not only avoided answering my questions, they won't even acknowledge them as questions, except to say, "we hope you're satisfied with our answers." Of course, there was nothing that resemble an answer or even a diplomatic rephrasing of my polite but direct question.

$800 to avoid XM - you bet! ADSB on an iPad (I own one and use ForeFlight), I'm not so sure. My guess is Garmin will be last to ADS-B dance.
No traffic with Stratus...that's a big part of ADS B

TIS-B (Traffic data) has different requirements than FIS-B (Flight Information).

From the FAA Doc at
For an aircraft to receive TIS-B services, the
following conditions must exist:
? The aircraft must be equipped with an
ADS-B transceiver and a cockpit display of traffic information (CDTI).
TIS-B services are currently only available on the UAT data link.
? The aircraft must fly within the coverage volume of a compatible GBT that is
configured for TIS-B uplinks.
? The target aircraft must be within the
coverage of, and detected by, at least
one of the ATC radars serving the GBT
in use

Since the Stratus is a receiver and not a Transceiver, it shouldn't be "allowed" to get TIS, at least according to the people that make the decisions. Some of us may have different opinions.

WingX Pro's ADS-B receiver provides weather and traffic and you don't have to buy the New iPad for it to work, as recommended by Stratus! Ok, the cost is just under $1,000 but you get so much more and don't have to upgrade to the latest & greatest for an additional $699 to $829. Maybe this NEW product will help drive down the cost for WingX Pro users!
Around here it's the other way round. The weather's usually good but there's a lot of traffic.

Also Wing-X does similar things with (I think) a different external box.

Temp fix....

This is a nice (but expensive) bridge for maintaining inflight Wx. Can't get over that "tornado alley" has no coverage!! I assume that's because the FAA hasn't installed ground stations yet?

However, in a few short years, we are all required to have ADS-B Out, then you'll be spending another $1200 for that, AND you'll have Wx with that.

I wish Foreflight had worked with NavWorx instead, because that would have provided the entire package.
I think we are about to experience the joy of the competitive market place.

It can only get better from here. :)
However, in a few short years, we are all required to have ADS-B Out, then you'll be spending another $1200 for that, AND you'll have Wx with that.

You still have to display it somewhere. ADS-B out doesn't provide a display, it's just a protocol. For example, a 430/W could provide the requisite GPS data for an ADS-B out transceiver but WX on a 430 is not very impressive.

I think we are about to experience the joy of the competitive market place.

It can only get better from here. :)

Competitive products will make competitive prices with more options for end users. This is a good thing for all of us as well as the eveloution of options available for companies to secure buyers.
You still have to display it somewhere. ADS-B out doesn't provide a display, it's just a protocol. For example, a 430/W could provide the requisite GPS data for an ADS-B out transceiver but WX on a 430 is not very impressive.

I think my point was missed, why buy an ADS receiver that doesn't have OUT capabability? Foreflight has aligned with Stratus which uses ADS signals to get weather. But Stratus doesn't have ADS-B Out capability. So to eventually comply with ADS-B Out requirements, you'll have to buy another receiver that will broadcast OUT. Now you have two ADS-B receivers.

I wish Foreflight had worked with someone (such as Navworx) that already has that capability so we could kill two birds with one stone, bluetooth Wx to Foreflight and do the OUT signal using our EFIS's.

I think my point was missed, why buy an ADS receiver that doesn't have OUT capabability? Foreflight has aligned with Stratus which uses ADS signals to get weather. But Stratus doesn't have ADS-B Out capability. So to eventually comply with ADS-B Out requirements, you'll have to buy another receiver that will broadcast OUT. Now you have two ADS-B receivers.

I wish Foreflight had worked with someone (such as Navworx) that already has that capability so we could kill two birds with one stone, bluetooth Wx to Foreflight and do the OUT signal using our EFIS's.

One reason would be to have the capability of receiving ADS-B thru your iPad today, way before it becomes a requirement to have the full capabilities at a fraction of the cost.
I think my point was missed, why buy an ADS receiver that doesn't have OUT capabability? Foreflight has aligned with Stratus which uses ADS signals to get weather. But Stratus doesn't have ADS-B Out capability. So to eventually comply with ADS-B Out requirements, you'll have to buy another receiver that will broadcast OUT. Now you have two ADS-B receivers.

I wish Foreflight had worked with someone (such as Navworx) that already has that capability so we could kill two birds with one stone, bluetooth Wx to Foreflight and do the OUT signal using our EFIS's.

I think we're pretty much on the same page here. I guess my point is that if you have a 430/w you will only need a hide-away ADS-B box to be legal so for some folks it may make sense to have it on the iPad.
WingX traffic? Not really

It looks to me that you do not get traffic with the SkyRadar/WingX system unless the traffic happens to have ADSB out and is transmitting. . You also need the dual band model to get that air borne transmission, the single band $850 model won't do it from what I read. And your position is not transmitted in either case.
It looks to me that you do not get traffic with the SkyRadar/WingX system unless the traffic happens to have ADSB out and is transmitting. . You also need the dual band model to get that air borne transmission, the single band $850 model won't do it from what I read. And your position is not transmitted in either case.

This is true. You will only be getting traffic if you participate in the system. Meaning that you need to have a adsb out. If you don't have adsb out you still "could" pickup on traffic but you're only picking up transmissions of traffic sent to other aircraft.

That means that if all traffic in the area is just using adsb in (one way) there would be no adsb device sending out a request for traffic information and none of the adsb receivers would be receiving it. This is my understanding of how the system works (or will be working).
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