
Well Known Member
I have ADS-B in and out with Echo/uAvionics with GRT AFIS. I'm changing my N number. How do I change the whole system to the new number?

Your new registration will include a hexcode unique to your aircraft AND N number. I am not familiar with the GRT or UAvionics, but there should be a method to enter the code which will then send the data out through ADS-B.
Echo UAT setup

The hexidecimal identifier is entered on the setup page for the Echo UAT from your phone or iPad. When you get the new N number, go the the FAA site and see if they changed your hexidecimal code as well. They probably will have done so. Go into setup and change both. Save the configuration before exiting. It will be important to change both at the same time since flying with the new version of one but the old version of the other is not legal. Send me a PM and I can walk you though it on the phone if you like.
I have ADS-B in and out with Echo/uAvionics with GRT AFIS. I'm changing my N number. How do I change the whole system to the new number?


Are you using the SKYFYX from uAvionics for your GPS source or SafeFly2020 from GRT? If using the SafeFly2020 WAAS GPS AND are using it for the GRT EFIS, setup and change will be made on the EFIS vs the EchoUAT app.