
Well Known Member
Is anyone aware of any outage or system changes to the FAAs ADS-B broadcasts in PHL? My navworx ADS600 worked fine for the last 6+ months - for the last 3 weeks I am not receiving traffic. Happened after I upgraded the navworx system software from sw 3.06 to 3.12. Called navworx and Bill advises me to send the box back to navworx because he felt it needed a hardware upgrade. Great service there and back in days. so box was returned to me - still no traffic. I am displaying traffic on two devices garmin 796 and AFS4500. Both systems test fine, but neither will display traffic. Today I flew under PHL class B with lots of traffic around me - however nothing on the displays. Even went to Atlantic City airspace - still nothing.

Right now navworx thinks this could be an FAA issue. Boy once you get used to free traffic and weather you really miss it when is in not there.

Contact the FAA. A local tower. Center. Approach, etc.

I may have read about a number to call for service issues. This is a new system and stuff happens. The FAA needs to know about problems to fix them if it is an ADS-B problem.

I checked the PHL NOTAMs and in one found this:

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Similar issue

I was flying around PHX a few weeks ago and had similar issues. For a moment there was traffic and then everything would disappear. When the traffic was on, there was tons of traffic. I wonder if the system was overloading, the Cheltons could not handle it or if the Navworx box couldn't handle it. I was on with center so there were no issues but I was looking forward to seeing the traffic since it is not in SLC yet.

I may call and find out if there is anything I need.
I haven't heard of any outages, Mark. All the ground stations are CONTRACT though, not FAA. I think I still would have heard something. Perhaps Sandy has left some integral link without power?

Why not go south towards DC? I'm not sure about the range of the signals of the ground stations but it seems you should be getting SOMETHING!

I'll let you know if I hear anything.
Could be the Link like TK stated.

In TEB we still have no AT&T DSL at the hangar, but everything else is working using our Verizon connections.

I would think there would be a NOTAM...??? I didn't find any.

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I talked to PHL this morning and they indicated no issues and carriers were receiving signals. He was going to report it and verify again.

Where to turn equipment, software, in the plane vs FAA equipment, software ???

Thanks Tony!

Figured you may have some input . . . This weekend I'll go south towards DC and see - hopefully in the meantime Navworx may have a suggestion . . .
Yes you only need OUT for traffic.. you can get WX with "IN" only capability (that's why those portable solutions work today and what's why most of them are worth next to nothing when it comes to traffic).
First let me say I don't have much time on my GDL39 setup. But I tend to agree on not recieving the traffic without having "OUT" capability.

My setup runs both TIS and ADSb without "OUT" capability. So when I don't see any traffic it shows an "X" on my GDL39 antenna and when I look at my other TIS icon when it shows it is up and running properly and when I'm close to an airplane, and in a TIS area it shows the TIS traffic on my screens. But right now the ADSb traffic is very intermittent for me since I don't have OUT.
Yes - my "out" is working

The Navworx box was tested and "upgraded" by Navworx last week. System worked fine before the software upgrade from 3.06 to 3.12. Unit checks out fine using the UAT Console - passes all tests. Very frustrating. Will talk again to Bill and do more testing later this week.

Thanks for your replies . . .
The Navworx box was tested and "upgraded" by Navworx last week. System worked fine before the software upgrade from 3.06 to 3.12. Unit checks out fine using the UAT Console - passes all tests. Very frustrating. Will talk again to Bill and do more testing later this week.

Thanks for your replies . . .

Did Navworx do anything other than the software upgrade?
It will be interesting to see what you figure out on this Mark. I too am very unhappy when

I'm on the list to upgrade my GTX330 with the latest mod once released.

I'm hoping your issue is simple and just the OUT issue.

Good luck.
Unit works fine on day 1.

Day 2 the unit is sent in for an upgrade.

Unit received and reinstalled and no longer works.

Probable causal factors are related to the upgrade and/or reinstallation.
Unit works fine on day 1.

Day 2 the unit is sent in for an upgrade.

Unit received and reinstalled and no longer works.

Probable causal factors are related to the upgrade and/or reinstallation.

Actually it stopped working after recommended sw update from 3.06 to 3.12. It was only sent in after navworx asked me to send it back due to my issues. Box checks out and passes all tests in plane using uat console. If reinstall was a problem it won't pass the uat tests. We r planning more testing with bill later today.
OK, I was wrong on the change (software versus sent to manufacturer), but the concept is the same. May not always be right, but it is sound troubleshooting.
Out and In

Actually you can still receive traffic with only ADS-B "in" provided somebody else in your area has "OUT" and triggers the TIS-B from the ground stations you are currently receiving.
Why not downgrade to the earlier software version that you know worked.. :) Just as a test, of course...
Exactly what a wanted to do, but ...

Why not downgrade to the earlier software version that you know worked.. :) Just as a test, of course...

Navworx says 3.12 is working fine elsewhere, but may request that again. Thanks!!
Go back to UAT Console and make sure "UAT Transmitter" is "Enabled". It might get turned off during your software upgrade. It happened to me one time.

At times I also have ghost image following me (my own airplane). Bill told me that it was local ground station problem. I hope it is the case.
still researching

I am in the same shape as Mark. Our Navworx are a few weeks different and have the same version of software. I have been in contact with Navworx and will be doing some trouble shooting on Thursday.

The other constant besides same equipment and software version, plus (both at KPTW and have RV's) same airspace.

I have heard, but cant confirm that PHL is running different software as a test site different than the other stations around the US.

Once again not confirmed!