
Loving flying my RV12 serial#120201 certificated in 07/2011, and contemplating my options for 2020 compliance. Panel is vintage Dynon Flightdek D-180, Garminn GTX 327 transponder, Garmin SL 40 comm, and Garmin GPS 496. I also routinely have ForeFlight Mobile running on a suction cupped RAM mount on my panel.

My question is; if my desire is ABS-B out & in, what is the best solution? Now I understand "best" can mean many things to many people. I guess my dilemma with "best" would include whether or not upgrading some of my older panel avionics in conjunction with the ADS-B upgrade makes sense, or as long as I'm OUT compliant and can get IN visibility via portable devices linked to ForeFlight, would that be best.

I bought my ship flying so I am not a builder. Anything I decide to do would most likely have be at the very least seeking help, and more realistically going to an avionics shop.

Any sage advice or experiences on equipage is greatly appreciated.

There are a lot of options to do what you want, especially since you mentioned upgrading the Avionics as well as adding ADS-B.

The first decision to make is whether you want 978/UAT or 1090ES.
- 978 is just for the USA, and has the benefit of being capable of going anonymous when you are squawking VFR. THis is usually the cheapest option for out, and sometimes far cheaper, depending on what equipment you go with. There are a number of options that are completely remote, meaning no interface or panel changes.
- 1090ES is the international standard, and means changing the transponder. The cost can be anywhere from $2200 for a Trig TT22 up to over $5000 for an L3 Lynx.

The next decision is the gps position source. Many of the UAT options and 1090 options have built-in gps for 2020 compliance. This can affect total cost by anywhere from $200-$500.

The next decision is how you want to display ADS-B in. You can build a cheap Stratux or buy a Scout for a second little as $100. Many of the ADS-B out systems also have ADS-B in built in. Most options have a way to display the weather and traffic on an iPad. A GDL39 can display wx/tfc on your 496 with the right cable. The L3-Lynx has a built-in display for wx/tfc.

Personally, I like the 1090 because I?m not he only person who flies my plane, so I can see where it is any time it is (or has been) in Flight. I even get a notification on my iPad through FlightRadar24 every time my plane leaves the ground. Privacy is not as big of an issue to me, so this benefit makes 1090 the only option for me. Probably the cheapest overall option for your panel to get 1090ES is to install a Stratus ESG (ES for 1090ES and G for GPS). In my shop that would cost you $3000 plus tax. You could add the Stratus 2i receiver (making it the ESGi) for an additional $600. These prices include installation. The Stratus transponder fits in the hole where your GTX327 sits now, and you can sell your GTX327 for $3-400.

If you want a simple UAT out solution, the Garmin GDL82 is remote and very easy to install. It is out only and has a GPS built in. This costs $2500 in my shop.

A decent all-in-one option would be one of the UAvionix options like he EchoUAT or the SkyBeacon, both of which provide UAT out and in for display on an iPad. They both have GPS either standard or as an option.

I could go on and on, but this should at least give you a starting point.
Timely thread, I am gathering information and planning the panel for my new project------and the ADSB question has got me circling the drain.

At the moment, I am totally fixed on GRT for the EFIS, and most likely a GTX 327 for the xpnder.

The GRT Safe Fly and Echo package looks like the simplest and cheapest way for me to go, but I keep reading/hearing about the Echo being problematic.

The Stratus ESG has been recommended, but it requires a separate box to send the ADSB in to the EFIS--------and we want traffic and weather on the EFIS, not an iPad or such.
There are a lot of options to do what you want, especially since you mentioned upgrading the Avionics as well as adding ADS-B.

The first decision to make is whether you want 978/UAT or 1090ES.
- 978 is just for the USA, and has the benefit of being capable of going anonymous when you are squawking VFR. THis is usually the cheapest option for out, and sometimes far cheaper, depending on what equipment you go with. There are a number of options that are completely remote, meaning no interface or panel changes.
- 1090ES is the international standard, and means changing the transponder. The cost can be anywhere from $2200 for a Trig TT22 up to over $5000 for an L3 Lynx.

The next decision is the gps position source. Many of the UAT options and 1090 options have built-in gps for 2020 compliance. This can affect total cost by anywhere from $200-$500.

The next decision is how you want to display ADS-B in. You can build a cheap Stratux or buy a Scout for a second little as $100. Many of the ADS-B out systems also have ADS-B in built in. Most options have a way to display the weather and traffic on an iPad. A GDL39 can display wx/tfc on your 496 with the right cable. The L3-Lynx has a built-in display for wx/tfc.

Personally, I like the 1090 because I?m not he only person who flies my plane, so I can see where it is any time it is (or has been) in Flight. I even get a notification on my iPad through FlightRadar24 every time my plane leaves the ground. Privacy is not as big of an issue to me, so this benefit makes 1090 the only option for me. Probably the cheapest overall option for your panel to get 1090ES is to install a Stratus ESG (ES for 1090ES and G for GPS). In my shop that would cost you $3000 plus tax. You could add the Stratus 2i receiver (making it the ESGi) for an additional $600. These prices include installation. The Stratus transponder fits in the hole where your GTX327 sits now, and you can sell your GTX327 for $3-400.

If you want a simple UAT out solution, the Garmin GDL82 is remote and very easy to install. It is out only and has a GPS built in. This costs $2500 in my
A decent all-in-one option would be one of the UAvionix options like he EchoUAT or the SkyBeacon, both of which provide UAT out and in for display on an iPad. They both have GPS either standard or as an option.

I could go on and on, but this should at least give you a starting point.

Hi Jesse, Wonder if I could ask you a couple of questions here??

I'm just a VFR guy, and will probably just do a GDL 82 as it seems to be the cheapest way to go---(I've already got a Navworx paper weight sitting here on my desk)

1> Since the GDL 82 is 978 only, could I fly to the Bahama's, or would I need 1090?

2> Are you really "anonymous" squawking 1200 to ATC?? ( I know you said anonymous to other airplanes)

3> I've already got a GDL 39 and a 496. And a Android Nexus 9 tablet on which I get Wx and ADS B in only traffic from Garmin Pilot. You talked about the GDL 39 and the 496 being able to display Wx/traffic?? I was not aware of this. Could you elaborate?

4> You said the GDL 82 is out only? So my "in" traffic would still be on my android from Garmin Pilot?

Thanx Jesse.:)
Hi Jesse, Wonder if I could ask you a couple of questions here??

I'm just a VFR guy, and will probably just do a GDL 82 as it seems to be the cheapest way to go---(I've already got a Navworx paper weight sitting here on my desk)

1> Since the GDL 82 is 978 only, could I fly to the Bahama's, or would I need 1090?

2> Are you really "anonymous" squawking 1200 to ATC?? ( I know you said anonymous to other airplanes)

3> I've already got a GDL 39 and a 496. And a Android Nexus 9 tablet on which I get Wx and ADS B in only traffic from Garmin Pilot. You talked about the GDL 39 and the 496 being able to display Wx/traffic?? I was not aware of this. Could you elaborate?

4> You said the GDL 82 is out only? So my "in" traffic would still be on my android from Garmin Pilot?

Thanx Jesse.:)

1. I think officially the Bahamas wants/required 1090ES, but I know a lot of people who fly there with no ADS-B (maybe not officially required yet) or with UAT, so I don't think the Bahamas will be a problem.

2. My understanding that with UAT in anonymous mode, you are truly anonymous. Your N-Number or airplane specific ICAO code is not sent, but rather a generic data set is sent. If you do get a discrete squawk, then go back to VFR, I don't know if the system will then track you for the rest of that flight with your specific data.

3. The 496 accepts data via RS232 and the GDL39 sends it in the same way. Aircraft Spruce sells a cable part number 11-10733 that ties the two together. The note at Aircraft Spruce says it provides traffic only. I can't speak to the weather specifics. Someone who has the setup may be able to elaborate.

4. Correct. The GDL82 is ADS-B Out only. Your In, which is not required, will be whatever you have or want to buy to get the data.
Timely thread, I am gathering information and planning the panel for my new project------and the ADSB question has got me circling the drain.

At the moment, I am totally fixed on GRT for the EFIS, and most likely a GTX 327 for the xpnder.

The GRT Safe Fly and Echo package looks like the simplest and cheapest way for me to go, but I keep reading/hearing about the Echo being problematic.

The Stratus ESG has been recommended, but it requires a separate box to send the ADSB in to the EFIS--------and we want traffic and weather on the EFIS, not an iPad or such.

Mike, first question: new or used? Perfectly good used 327s are being practically given away. But if you want new, new 327s are not that much less than a new Trig TT-22. You can use the GRT Safe Fly thru your HX or HXr as a position source. A plus is a small weight savings, plus panel space, plus remote mounting allows some (very small) moving the cg in a desired direction. For ADSB-in, I?m very happy with my SkyRadar D2 ($500, factory refurbished) which will display traffic and wx on an HX or HXr (not the older HS-it?s USB) and also via wifi to an iPad. The Echo?s problems seem to be with ADSB-in targets dropping out, especially at low baud rates. I would hope this will be fixed. Quite honestly, I think a bigger concern is that Garmin is suing them for patent infringement. If successful, they may well go out of business. I am unsure how it would affect current owners.
1. I think officially the Bahamas wants/required 1090ES, but I know a lot of people who fly there with no ADS-B (maybe not officially required yet) or with UAT, so I don't think the Bahamas will be a problem.

2. My understanding that with UAT in anonymous mode, you are truly anonymous. Your N-Number or airplane specific ICAO code is not sent, but rather a generic data set is sent. If you do get a discrete squawk, then go back to VFR, I don't know if the system will then track you for the rest of that flight with your specific data.

Bahamas have no current requirement for ADS-B but if/when they do, it will be 1090.

I have seen aircraft with a tail number below the target as 1200, which I assume is their UAT out sending in anonymous mode.
Mike, first question: new or used? Perfectly good used 327s are being practically given away. But if you want new, new 327s are not that much less than a new Trig TT-22. You can use the GRT Safe Fly thru your HX or HXr as a position source. A plus is a small weight savings, plus panel space, plus remote mounting allows some (very small) moving the cg in a desired direction. For ADSB-in, I?m very happy with my SkyRadar D2 ($500, factory refurbished) which will display traffic and wx on an HX or HXr (not the older HS-it?s USB) and also via wifi to an iPad. The Echo?s problems seem to be with ADSB-in targets dropping out, especially at low baud rates. I would hope this will be fixed. Quite honestly, I think a bigger concern is that Garmin is suing them for patent infringement. If successful, they may well go out of business. I am unsure how it would affect current owners.

Bob, used whenever I can--------trying to save some $$. Still need one more 8.4" HX or HXr screen. Also a GTR 200 radio....just in case you have either one laying around.

I already have the ADSB in covered, so am not concerned about the Echo dropping targets.
Bob, used whenever I can--------trying to save some $$...... Also a GTR 200 radio....just in case you have either one laying around.

I'm assuming you're not interested in VOR, otherwise I'd suggest looking for a used SL-30 - still, IMHO, the best VOR radio ever made. Two VORs for the price of one. But no, I can't help.
Since the GDL-82 is Out only how can i get ADS-B In on my Garmin 795?
I am looking for the most economical way to be 2020 compliant.
Bahamas have no current requirement for ADS-B but if/when they do, it will be 1090.

I have seen aircraft with a tail number below the target as 1200, which I assume is their UAT out sending in anonymous mode.

Anonymous mode on some UAT units is optional. If it shows the correct tail number, then it is not in anonymous mode.
Since the GDL-82 is Out only how can i get ADS-B In on my Garmin 795?
I am looking for the most economical way to be 2020 compliant.

Check out the Stratux project for ADS-B IN. Very inexpensive. Not 100% sure it works with the 795, though.
I don?t know about the 795, but I was told that a 696 wouldn?t work with my Stratux?which is basically a generic, homebuilt version of a Stratus.

It?s frustrating to me when these different brands get all proprietary. It?s certainly clouding my decision as to which glass panel I want to install in my new RV3 this winter.
If you do get a discrete squawk, then go back to VFR, I don't know if the system will then track you for the rest of that flight with your specific data.
Yes, it does. I have a GDL-82 and fly out of a Class C - I get a code every time. When I leave the Class C and squawk 1200 (anonymous), "the system" still tracks me to my destination. I've tried it the other way around, too - departing from another airport squawking 1200 (anonymous). The system doesn't back-track me and only shows my track from when I enter the Class C with a code.
Check out the Stratux project for ADS-B IN. Very inexpensive. Not 100% sure it works with the 795, though.
Will,this,unit comply with the 2020 ADS-B requirements? If I have to I can
I've without the In. Just looking for an economical,way to comply.
Will,this,unit comply with the 2020 ADS-B requirements? If I have to I can
I've without the In. Just looking for an economical,way to comply.

The Stratux is just an ADS-B receiver. It is not necessary to have a receiver in order to comply with the 2020 mandate.