
Well Known Member
I have ADS-B out and in. Are there filtering options on the major EFBs that allow showing only traffic that meets custom filtering parameters? Some EFBs I consider are WingX, Foreflight, iFly. I presently have WingX. I don?t see any filtering options (if there are, please tell me). A screen cluttered with targets is pretty useless. That interferes with looking outside (not all traffic is on AD-B). Actually, what is really needed, are audio alerts when traffic is detected that meets the filtering parameters. Constantly scanning a cluttered screen is of little value. The filtering should be fairly sophisticated. Distance, closure speed, bearing, altitude limits around your altitude, etc. should be setable filters. Do some EFBs have this? Thanks for any information.
Ifly 740b doesnt have audiable alerts but it does have a "radar" that shows up on the screen when traffic gets within a user set nm range and or user set altitude above and below. I use 3500 ft and 3 nm range. Traffic within that range brings up a 3 inch square sub screen with the traffic position relative to you. Works good for me. The screen hides when traffic exits the values set.
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Ads b setting

I believe my WingX allows to exclude all traffic 3000 above or below you
Go to settings on your moving map page and you will see it under traffic
Yep. For wing X go to map page; at bottom, press adsb icon that looks like a toothed wheel. Select filter no traffic, 3000?, all traffic are the choices.
I think the EFB developers should put in better filtering options. For all the expense and complexity of ADS-B, it should result in a truly useful cockpit aid, not just a another gadget. Frankly, so far, it falls a bit short. My iPad map screen is cluttered with so many targets, it is essentially useless in detecting the true threats. The filtering should also include audio alerts. It doesn?t seem that difficult, in terms of code development, compared to the totality of what has already been done.
If it's not within 3 nm and 3500 ft. Don t worry about. Chances are you re not going to see it anyway. The ones NOT on the screen are the ones you need to worry about. :)
Ads-b In Filtering

Just a couple days ago ATC advised me of nearby traffic. I visually spotted it, but it did not appear on my screen. It was a C172, which may not have had Ads-b. So, for the time being at least, we need to keep looking outside the cockpit. What % of aircraft that will fly without ADS-B I don?t know. That would be nice to know.