
Well Known Member
I came across this and think it is amazing. Recently I decided to ditch GRT for WingX in the cockpit via iPad mini. Now when I saw this project it compliments the Stratux because it use the wifi network to send the data to the ipad. Ditching the GRT, I would still need to figure a solution for engine monitoring, this project solves the problem.



Engine Page Display

Summary: Enguino (a portmanteau of engine and Arduino) is an inexpensive (as cheap as $100), lightweight (2 ounces w/o case or cables), small (about the size of a bar of bath soap), open source engine monitor for experimental aircraft. The engine monitor is displayed on a tablet as a web page. Here is an example of a typical Enguino display. The tablet can be an iPad, an Android or any other tablet that includes a modern web browser and has wifi.

Enguino is intended to work with the Stratux ADS-B receiver which is also open source. The Stratux acts as a Wifi router for Enguino. For airplanes not equipped with a Stratux it is still possible to create an Enguino system with slightly different hardware and a small change to the configuration.
Tom C

Tom is local RV guy here in Minne and is whip smart! He gave me a demo of the system at the hangar party and it is pretty neat and seemed to work great. We discussed the market for it and thought it to be challenging b/c with the cost of building an RV - most people would use an off the shelf EFIS product.

BUT ...... for the tinker-ers out there - this would be a really cool project.

A panel with this and Avare would give you a lot of bang (EM, moving map, traffic, weather, syn viz,) for virtually no bucks!!! Granted not to the same level as the big EFIS guys, but......did I mention very few bucks!
That's great. So I assume you didn't install it? Do you have any videos of it working? I am very interested in this because it can potentially save me about $2800. I think more users would be interested if there was not much 'tinkering' to be done.

Tom is local RV guy here in Minne and is whip smart! He gave me a demo of the system at the hangar party and it is pretty neat and seemed to work great. We discussed the market for it and thought it to be challenging b/c with the cost of building an RV - most people would use an off the shelf EFIS product.

BUT ...... for the tinker-ers out there - this would be a really cool project.

A panel with this and Avare would give you a lot of bang (EM, moving map, traffic, weather, syn viz,) for virtually no bucks!!! Granted not to the same level as the big EFIS guys, but......did I mention very few bucks!

I have a Dynon EMS, so I was not a candidate. Tom will probably see this and respond.

It was pretty cool, tho!
Author of Enguino here

I don't have a video at this time.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to make Enguino more accessible. Right now it requires some pretty good hand soldering/prototyping skills.

I'm considering ways to have a circuit board house produce a custom 'shield' circuit board and a custom auxiliary display board. This would make it an almost plug and play solution. In this case it would mean plugging a couple of circuit boards together (no soldering required), load the firmware on board and put in a box.

I'm looking for some volunteer electrical engineer assistance if anyone out there has any EagleCAD experience and wants to lend a hand with this project (I'm mostly a software guy).
I don't have a video at this time.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to make Enguino more accessible. Right now it requires some pretty good hand soldering/prototyping skills.

I'm considering ways to have a circuit board house produce a custom 'shield' circuit board and a custom auxiliary display board. This would make it an almost plug and play solution. In this case it would mean plugging a couple of circuit boards together (no soldering required), load the firmware on board and put in a box.

I'm looking for some volunteer electrical engineer assistance if anyone out there has any EagleCAD experience and wants to lend a hand with this project (I'm mostly a software guy).

I will send you a PM. It's funny because just the other day I considered playing around with the same idea. Looks like you beat me to it. I have a bit of PCB design experience as well as some 3D design. Maybe I could help out with a board and enclosure. Nice work

I have done some work in Eagle as well, and have designed boards for low volume PCB production (on a low budget, even). I'd he happy to help out.

I can do hardware (soldering/fabrication, etc), but have less than zero skills in software. The sensor hardware pack has always looked pretty easy to me, but I had no way to get the data displayed. Thank you for pursuing this idea.

Is this 'mature' enough that it's already integrated with Avare? Avare's my go-to moving map in my minimalist -4, and I'd love to have a decent engine monitor in the plane.

Please keep this thread active, with updates & status reports. I'm a buyer if the board comes available. If I could find the time, I'd solder up what you already show on GitHub.

Great work!


Just to be clear, this works with most tablets (iPad, iPhone, Android, Microsoft) and doesn't even require any flight bag software.

The engine display is actually shown in the web browser. This is more convenient then it might sound. You save an icon to your home screen pointed to a web page and simply tap on that.
Any update on this project

Tom C (or others) has there been any additional development on this project?

Anyone aware of anything similar ? using a tablet as a real time display of engine parameters ?
I'm a firm supporter of an iPad and plan to have one in my RV-3B. However, I do believe I'd want something a little better suited to the cockpit environment for critical information that isn't duplicated elsewhere.

Something that doesn't lose GPS as readily and doesn't overheat as quickly, and is easier to see in all positions.

And believe me, I'm not trying to bash the iPad. I regard mine as a wonderful benefit. However, even in my Cessna, I've got a backup GPS.

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