Has anybody heard of a D180 retrofit plan from Vans to add ADS-B? There have to be enough D180 RVs out there to make it worthwhile.
The Dynon ADSB Receiver only works with the Skyview system, not the D180. You can retrofit Skyview to replace D180 with parts from Vans. That is in fact the basis of the original RV12 Skyview system.

I bought the ADSB receiver and cable and antenna from Stein Air and will be installing it in a couple of weeks. I'll post on that. Like others, as a retrofit I am mounting the ADSB Box to the back side of the baggage bulkhead and avoiding running new antenna cable and wires over-under-around the brake pedal bar and through the system block tunnel.
Maybe somebody at OSH will have a good option for those of us with D180s. Pulling out my D180 and spending another 4 or 5 grand to put in SV is not viable for me.
IPAD mini, Foreflight, Stratus.
The big deal with ADSB is the subscription-free weather, tfrs, etc. on the moving map, right? The D180 has no map. Or did you have something else in mind that you wanted depicted on the D180? Traffic?
Maybe somebody at OSH will have a good option for those of us with D180s. Pulling out my D180 and spending another 4 or 5 grand to put in SV is not viable for me.


I am afraid that the D180 most likely will never integrate with anything ADS-B related. It has no MAP and Dynon has said for many years that it is limited by hardware limitations so major future changes like adding a MAP are not possible.
I recieved the ADS-B kit for my RV-12 today. The drawings are very
good for installing it into a completed aircraft.

I agree the ADS-B In function will probably never be available to D180 RV-12 owners. I just keep hoping we aren't forgotten in the transition to ADS- Out. It seems like once Vans went to Skyview there hasn't been much thought given to those who spent the money on what was then the standard package D-180.

My Dual XGPS170 and WingX Pro have proved to be a satisfactory VFR option.

Who knows what the future holds!

What's the rush? It's not required until 2020. Who knows what will be available on the market in a few years. Technology is moving at a very rapid pace. There are a lot of planes that will need this and smart people who want to make money will figure out a way to get it done when the time comes. Just think of how many of these blue tooth ADS-B antennas were available a few years ago and how many are available now. Same thing will happens in a few years.:)
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Yea, what John said! Think about it, the displays we are all drooling over now are going to be old news by 2020. My guess is that ADSB receivers will cost a fraction of their current price. I think we will see some amazing stuff by then.
John and Dave,

Can't argue with your logic. I just want to be a squeaky wheel so eventually I get some grease! Patience, unfortunately, is a virtue I do not suffer/benefit from!
