David Bell

Well Known Member
Do you have a Microair T2000sfl x?pndr with UAvionix echo UAT for ADS-B wi-fi to an iPad using Foreflight? If so, did you get a Performance Report without errors?
I?m presently on a mission ?trial & error? flights making changes to echo uat configurations, specifically to ?Transponder Threshold?.
frustrated...but continue to work with tech support.
I?m repeatedly getting Baro Alt error 100% after 3 flights. I?m being told to continue making changes until I see Altitude, Pressure appear in that field on the monitor page of echo app.
Theres a couple of other active threads about Echo configurations where I've asked about hardwired altitude solutions. The sniffer is a great option for UAVs, but relying on your xpdr being pinged to update your ADSB just isnt a good manned platform solution IN or Out. If you get your unit back and it still acts up, you may want to consider wired as well to solve your situation.....
Is there now something offered that will allow Echo FYX EXT to now hardwire all inputs ( ie alt, mode and code) with my GTX 327? Presently I'm hardwired for code and mode and have Altitude available from a D180 but the Echo relies on sniff to get ALT??. The Prior install was a NW exp. ?? I saw something about a MUX cable but didn't understand all the details. Anyone familiar?
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Is there now something offered that will allow Echo FYX EXT to now hardwire all inputs ( ie alt, mode and code) with my GTX 327? Presently I'm hardwired for code and mode and have Altitude available from a D180 but the Echo relies on sniff to get ALT??. The Prior install was a NW exp. ?? I saw something about a MUX cable but didn't understand all the details. Anyone familiar?

Yes. Call Uavionix and ask for the serial mux. It will do what you describe by combining/multiplexing the two serial streams.

Shipped my uat via FedEx for tech support to figure out why it repeatedly failed baro alt. It made it to Memphis and no sign since. UAvionix shipped a new one to me. I installed, tested and all worked perfectly. This was an unpleasant experience, but turned out good. Glad I didn?t wait until the end to comply with 2020. You never know what you may encounter. Good luck to you.