
Well Known Member
Flying back down the Florida coast yesterday evening from SC I had a interesting conversation with a board approach controller in Daytona.
He commented that I was the first ADS-B flight he had seen. Ever. Daytona Approach has had ADS-b service for 18 months. Now that is him personally and I am sure that maybe other controllers in the same facility have seen an ADS-B air craft but I thought this was very odd. Apparently Emory Riddle University has ADS-B in the area but not a system that shows up on his system. He says they have older software. Seems odd. I assumed it was maybe that they did not have it connected to a certified GPS but he tells me that they are all on RNAV for navigation and he believes 430W's. Looks like there would be a lot more of us out there by now. 2020 is right around the corner.
Aren't experimental Avionics great?
Flying back down the Florida coast yesterday evening from SC I had a interesting conversation with a board approach controller in Daytona.
He commented that I was the first ADS-B flight he had seen. Ever. Daytona Approach has had ADS-b service for 18 months. Now that is him personally and I am sure that maybe other controllers in the same facility have seen an ADS-B air craft but I thought this was very odd. Apparently Emory Riddle University has ADS-B in the area but not a system that shows up on his system. He says they have older software. Seems odd. I assumed it was maybe that they did not have it connected to a certified GPS but he tells me that they are all on RNAV for navigation and he believes 430W's. Looks like there would be a lot more of us out there by now. 2020 is right around the corner.
Aren't experimental Avionics great?

Very odd indeed.

I am based out of Flagler County Airport (KXFL) buried deep within the Daytona Approach area and my ADS-B is working perfectly as shown by the FAA report I received. So unless he normally works the graveyard shift, he should have at least seen me many, many times.

Apparently Emory Riddle University has ADS-B in the area but not a system that shows up on his system.

I agree that the controller's comment is odd. I thought that Embry Riddle is part of the experiment. They are equipped. The following is taken last October using Stratus and Foreflight while sitting at home.

Not every ATC approach facility is running the Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) software version necessary to use ADS-B traffic information, or if they have the right software, has ADS-B enabled on the glass for controllers to see/use. That will gradually change as the 2020 mandate approaches.

ERAU was one of the first organizations to equip with ADS-B, and that was several years ago. It may be possible that those aircraft don't meet the current ADS-B Out standard and so aren't displayed to ATC.
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It would be interesting for you to ask DAB Approach next time you talk to them to see if they pick you up on their ADS-B.
So I flew around the Daytona Beach area today and there was a LOT of traffic everywhere. I asked two different DAB Approach controllers if they had ADS-B and both of them told me they still don't have the capability to display ADS-B data on their screens. I was at 3,000ft between St. Augustine (KSGJ) and Daytona Beach (KDAB) for just over 1hr. I took the screen shot while over the beach just east of the Flagler County (KXFL) airport. The display was set at 12Nm just to show the amount of traffic in the area.


Now for the real reason I flew today. I got to watch the Tach hit 1,000.0 hours on my airplane during this flight. Now to get another 1,000hrs more.


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Well Galin congratulations on the first 1k. I was on V1 @ 8k 125.72. The controller seemed surprised and brought it up to me. Almost like he did not know his equipment would show it until he saw mine show up. I wonder if the controllers you talked with did not even know they had the capability. I was IFR and filed a /G regular and not ICAO so he would not have known from my flight plan. Maybe we should fly together some day.
Well Galin congratulations on the first 1k. I was on V1 @ 8k 125.72. The controller seemed surprised and brought it up to me. Almost like he did not know his equipment would show it until he saw mine show up. I wonder if the controllers you talked with did not even know they had the capability. I was IFR and filed a /G regular and not ICAO so he would not have known from my flight plan. Maybe we should fly together some day.

Now that you say that both of them sounded surprised at my request. You might be correct that they don't know they have the capability. Either that or it isn't fully operational for them yet. I was VFR (flight follow) on V1 @ 3k 125.800 and 127.075 were the frequencies at about 12:30L.


Let me know next time you fly here for lunch and we can meet up. I would LOVE to see your RV.

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Talking with Orlando approach today I decided to ask if he showed me as an ADS-B aircraft.
He had no idea what I was talking about.