
Well Known Member
Just found out that the gtx-23 w/es (Van's is shipping with the g3x package) will be 2020 ads-b compliant simply with a software update from Garmin that will be available around months end......yippy skippy!!!

Sure glad I changed horses in mid-stream....anyone need 2 Dynon autopilot servos and ads-b box?

That's great news! What GPS position source are you using to feed the GTX 23?

Just because the transponder is compliant, doesn't mean the GPS connected is.
Dynon's transponder has been ADS-B compliant with the latest rules since 2014, and the GPS included with the SkyView package can be used for ADS-B out until 2020.

Plus, SkyView can upgrade the transponder right in the plane, you don't have to take it to a dealer to get it upgraded when there's new software ;)

--Ian Jordan
Dynon Avionics
Just found out that the gtx-23 w/es (Van's is shipping with the g3x package) will be 2020 ads-b compliant simply with a software update from Garmin that will be available around months end......yippy skippy!!!

Hmm. I have a GTX23ES connected to a GTN 650 and the software upgrade to make the 23ES ADS-B compliant has been out since 2013.

I did the FAA inflight checkout last month and passed with no issues. So am I missing something?
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Hmm. I have a GTX23ES connected to a GTN 650 and the software upgrade to make the 23ES ADS-B compliant has been out since 2013.

I did the FAA inflight checkout last month and passed with no issues. So am I missing something?

You are correct...I miss spoke. There is a new software update for the gtx-23, something to do with an faa requirement???? Scuttle butt has it that Garmin will have an add on for the gtx-23es that will give an approved 2020 compliant gps source...we'll have to wait and see😎
Ahh I get it now. This what you're talking about (see thread: )
There is actually a little more to this story. We have been hard at work in response to these changes, and have already fielded some G3X/G3X Touch software changes to make sure our customers are up-to-date and in a position to easily comply. Similarly, the GTX 23ES and GTX 330ES software has undergone changes and testing and even re-certification.

You probably didn't notice, but in G3X software V10.00 one of the changes is listed as "Added support for GTX 23/33/330 software version 8.00." A similar change was implemented in G3X Touch V3.50.

When V8.XX GTX software becomes available, this software incorporates some "mandates" that flowed down on us as transponder manufacturers forcing changes and removal of the GND mode that everyone enjoys in G3X today (which auto transitions to ALT mode).

You will still be able to manually force your transponder into STBY or ON in non altitude reporting mode should you need to, but it will automatically transition to ALT mode both on the ground and in the air without your help in response to these new requirements.

There is a good chance we will be offering free transponder updates at Oshkosh to V8.XX, but the timing hasn't been firmly established for that yet. In the meantime you can continue to use your current GTX software and indeed these transponders do respond to interrogations while on the ground. When you do transition to V8.XX on your transponder, your G3X software is ready and able to work with this new transponder software.

If you happen to be at OSH next week, the Garmin team will be available to perform the update according to this post: I personally plan to take advantage of the opportunity.
Just because the transponder is compliant, doesn't mean the GPS connected is.
Dynon's transponder has been ADS-B compliant with the latest rules since 2014, and the GPS included with the SkyView package can be used for ADS-B out until 2020.

And therein lies the rub for us VFR ELSA least the ones who don't want to cram something else into their plane for a lot of $$$$ and few real actual benefits.

More and more impressed every day with your ADS-B box, but some of the FAA politics surrounding this going into the future would seem counter-intuitive to improving aviation safety - but that won't be the first time in history I guess.
Just because the transponder is compliant, doesn't mean the GPS connected is.
Dynon's transponder has been ADS-B compliant with the latest rules since 2014, and the GPS included with the SkyView package can be used for ADS-B out until 2020.

Plus, SkyView can upgrade the transponder right in the plane, you don't have to take it to a dealer to get it upgraded when there's new software ;)

--Ian Jordan
Dynon Avionics

Yes..but Garmin has come out with a product "GPS 20A" ($845.00) that when used with the gtx-23es, will provide a 2020 compliant GPS feed "and" the gtx-23es is a dual frequency ads-b receiver (978/1090 MHz). The issue of software updating....Dynon wins.
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The GPS 20A also requires the GA 35 antenna to work. It's $1,225 for everything you need, not $845.

The GTX-23ES is a Mode-S transponder only. It is not an ADS-B receiver at all.

Garmin's ADS-B receiver is called the GDL-39R and is a completely separate option from the GTX-23ES.

Just trying to keep the information correct.

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