Looks promising, hopefully more players will be releasing ADSB-out solutions.

I was impressed at what Levil was showing off at SunNFun with their Beacon.

They are working on getting it certified/approved, but will should meet the ADSB mandate and only requires power and GPS antenna hookup so installation should be pretty easy.

I thought I heard it was going to be between $1000 and $1500 or so. If they are successful I'm sure others will be replicating this idea.
It still requires an external ADS-B compliant GPS position source, which can easily be the most expensive piece of equipment.


Not true anymore. There is the Garmin GPS 20A (though you need the antenna which can be bought on Ebay for $100-200). Uavioni has the SkyFyX All IN One Antenna (or separate receiver and antenna) no prices yet, but I would expect it may be well below $1k. Dynon has the 2020 GPS Receiver/Antenna for around $500. And GRT has the Safe-Fly 2020 ADS-B Compliant GPS Module also for around $500 (which is the Uavioni system I believe).
SkyFyx is $499, or $399 if you buy it bundled with the EchoUAT. I was just looking at that this morning. The Garmin only seems to make sense if you have a G3X, it's pretty spendy.

I'd buy the UAvionix, but I want to wait and see what the Levil Blade sells for when they start selling it.
Not true anymore. There is the Garmin GPS 20A (though you need the antenna which can be bought on Ebay for $100-200). Uavioni has the SkyFyX All IN One Antenna (or separate receiver and antenna) no prices yet, but I would expect it may be well below $1k. Dynon has the 2020 GPS Receiver/Antenna for around $500. And GRT has the Safe-Fly 2020 ADS-B Compliant GPS Module also for around $500 (which is the Uavioni system I believe).

And those are ADS-B compliant GPS sources when connected to the individual EFIS so keep adding those costs. FWIW, I was most impressed with the iLevil "all in one" unit at SunNFun.

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And those are ADS-B compliant GPS sources when connected to the individual EFIS so keep adding those costs. FWIW, I was most impressed with the iLevil "all in one" unit at SunNFun.


No again. For example: Trig TT22 transponder and one of the WAAS Gps sources listed (with applicable antenna) and you are done. Other Mode S transponders with displays will also work. No EFIS display required, though if you are going that route, you can use some of the remote operated Mode S transponders now available.
No again. For example: Trig TT22 transponder and one of the WAAS Gps sources listed (with applicable antenna) and you are done. Other Mode S transponders with displays will also work. No EFIS display required, though if you are going that route, you can use some of the remote operated Mode S transponders now available.

And I forgot to add that Uavioni has an APP for configuring its transponder--again no EFIS is mandatory (though it is always useful, especially if you can get your ADS-B in on it.)
Big fan of GRT and their support for things like Stratux and uAvionix. Can't get much more bang for the buck. I've been waiting till the cost of a complete solution got close to the $1k mark - almost there. Don't want to alter my panel or get rid of a perfectly good GTX327.


I think waiting is the smart move. I'm planning a thorough panel upgrade for 2019 and I figure the prices will come down (or the capabilities will go up) during the remainder of 2017 and all of 2018.

It's nice to have the capability now but I figure it'll be cheaper the longer you wait.
No again. For example: Trig TT22 transponder and one of the WAAS Gps sources listed (with applicable antenna) and you are done. Other Mode S transponders with displays will also work. No EFIS display required, though if you are going that route, you can use some of the remote operated Mode S transponders now available.
There, I added the boldface for you to understand. Not just the one piece of relatively inexpensive equipment is needed to be compliant.
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2 good looking choices mentioned in this thread

I was on the verge of getting a Garmin 345 with an Aera 660 ($5k + $750), then downgraded that choice to a Garmin 335 ($3K + $750) when I realized Garmin won't talk to my WingX and that I already have an acceptable ADS-B in solution that works with WingX.

Then I downgraded that choice to a L3 Lynx NGT-1000 because if all I need is ADS-B out, that's the cheapest solution. However, it does require a digital transponder. Garmin 327s are now readily available for $4-500. That was the cheapest solution up to that point; about $2800.

Then at SNF I first discovered the uAvionix echo UAT with a show price of $1000. It claims to work with legacy transponders, and it works with WingX. Claimed to be currently available. It also needs their SkyFYX GPS box, which is being redesigned from a box plus an antenna to an all-in-one antenna similar to how Dynon is doing theirs; all the GPS electronics is right there inside the GPS antenna puck. Claimed cost less than $500, claimed availability 4-6 weeks. I nearly bought an echo UAT until I asked the regular price of the box. It was $1000, so no incentive to buy at the show. Total cost here about $1500 and little wiring, no panel changes.

Then I found the Levil Aviation BEACON. It claims to have EVERYTHING in a little shark fin antenna box that goes under the belly. It talks antenna-antenna to your existing transponder. All is needs is power and a cable up the GPS antenna on top. "Coming soon". If it had a price, I didn't record it. So an even simpler installation. Buy one box, put it in, that's it. According to posts in this thread, it's looking like maybe low to mid teens in price when it comes out.

By the time I got to the BEACON, I could see that manufacturers are now starting to ramp up better, simpler, cheaper solutions. By 2 years from now, I expect that the two other options I mentioned will be sorted out & will either work or they won't. I also expect that, over the next 2 years, other manufacturers will come up with similar designs that don't require $6K in panel upgrades.

So, I'm going to just forego the FAA rebate and wait and see how the simpler solutions work out.
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Levil Beacon

I was very impressed by Levil's Beacon. I purchased the complete kit at Airventure with a certified GPS antenna and wiring harness for the panel mounted annuciator for $1,700, shipping included.
They were supposed to start shipping them on August 18th but I haven't received mine yet.
Their website states that they were so overwhelmed with orders that they
are not accepting new orders at this time.
uAvionix Installed!

I have installed the uAvionix EchoUAT tranceiver, and their SKYFYX-EXT all-in-one GPS receiver and antenna in my RV-6.

No EFIS, no existing WAAS GPS in my plane ( that's why I used the SKYFX-EXT), Legacy old analog transponder (Narco).

3 wires to connect, even I could do it! Yes, 95 grams for the Echo UAT.

Passed the performance test with flying colors.

Not to mention the very best tech assistance EVER on the phone when I had trouble with getting the smartphone APP to work.

Very happy customer! Total cost: $1399. :):)
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No Rebate. That is full price for the two items, the EchoUAT, and the SKYFYX-EXT.

I don't think you can get a rebate on a non-TSO installation.

I bought mine from Adventure Pilot, the I-FLY GPS folks.
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It seems to work with Foreflight. They don't advertise it, but I have the iFly in my panel that provides GPS nav & autopilot signal. I also got the EchoUAT & ADSB GPS receiver from iFly. I have a friend with Foreflight on his iPhone 6+. The UAvionix worked fine for him once he linked it. UAvionix indicates they can support up to 4 wifi devices.
Just finished install

I just installed the Echo UAT and the SkyFyx gps in my 6A. Super easy install due to tiny size. Works nice with my iPad and Wing-X, no glass in the panel to hook it up to yet but the directions are clear and it sounds also very easy to do so. All for only $1400, and now I'm compliant and I can stop worrying about it.
I just ordered one. Looks very easy to install and all the reviews are great.
Levil Beacon

I'm also holding out for the Levil Beacon with an estimated price of $1300.

Steve, I purchased the Levil Beacon at Airventure. I also bought a RAMI GPS antenna and a 9 foot prewired harness to connect the LCD panel to the Beacon. It also had a 9 foot braided two-wire run coming out of the cannon plug for power and ground.
Very simple installation, mount the beacon at least 36" from other antennas, mount GPS antenna on top of fuselage, run the antenna cable and the wiring harness, mount the LCD control panel and you are ready.
Total price at Airventure was $1,700. It is $1,900 now and that includes shipping.
Very easy-to-follow instructions for the initial setup info using the LCD panel for data entry. It's a winner!
Lot of good options out there now. More every year. Or month. My recent install of the Uavionix EchoUAT and SKyfix was about as idiot proof and simple as one could ask. Couple of wires. Drill some holes. Drink a beer. Done. I question the 95 ounces however. I would have guessed LESS. Most of the weight would be the wiring to the UAT antenna and the GPS. The echoUAT box and the skyfix box are a few ounces at best. The puck and attached wire probably weight more than those boxes individually. But all told I'd bet that 95 ounce figure is for individual product packaging plus shipping container weight plus actual products included in the bundle. The bundle price was $1399. Probably go up to $1499 once they end the bundle program. But if you already have a good GPS source, the EchoUAT is $999, plus whatever RG- wire you need to buy for the antenna.

I'll say this for Uavionix, their customer support is outstanding. Leave a message. They get back to you ASAP. And they take the time to explain everything, no matter how dumb your question. Good people!
Wera710- what type of transponder did you have ? Did you upgrade it or keep what you had Andy did you have to upgrade the transceiver?

Or anything additional.

Did you consider the GRT gps ? I believe it gives you additional serial hook ups.
Turbo, I have a Bendix King KT-76A Transponder. I did not upgrade anything. No need to with the Echo. besides, as I keep telling my RV friends, its Sport Aviation, not Mini Airliners. LOL. Yeah, I am one of "those" guys. ;-)
Anyway, I have a Garmin 300XL TSO GPS and no need or desire to replace it in the foreseeable future. Between a spare old smart phone for the passenger to gawk at, and a Samsung Tab2 up front, both running Avare, I have all the traffic/weather and map info I need. The EchoUAT wifi's nicely to all of them so I have a moving sectional map backing up the old school grey screen on the Garmin. No need to have ADS-B info on the Garmin as its screen is too small to be of use for traffic anyway. Done this way, the entire project cost me nothing more than the price of the ADS-B system and eight foot of RG-400 cable.

As to the install, the only mods needed were about 8 foot of RG-400 cable and a hole drilled into an inspection cover for the UAT antenna. Added a spare circuit breaker to run power to the EchoUAT, and the Skyfix boxes. Made a small mount of the GPS antenna that came with the Skyfix. Mounted it on the firewall under cowl. Done. Performs like a champ.
Sgyguard sale

Skyguard is running a sale for a $200.00 discount.
I am not affiliated with Skyguard, but I do have their
ADS B UAT system with AHRS, works perfectly and Don
Has superb customer service. Their equipment is for
LSA and Experimental and is 2020 compliant.