
Active Member
Anyone else had this issue? I have a GTX45R and my GTN750 shows cloud tops but my G3X always says 'Waiting for Data'. The G3X gets all other information like NexRAD and Metars it's just Cloud tops and icing.

I don't think that garmin ever modified the G3X software to accept this data (it wasn't available when the system was introduced) and present it on the screen. I get it on foreflight, but not the G3X, so I know that I am getting the data in the plane. Frankly I prefer to use FF for this kind of macro data anyways.
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What software versions do you have on your GDU and GTX?

I have 370's with the latest software. GTX 23ES, but ADSB data comes via the GDL 39. The 39 is getting the data, as it makes it to FF via BT and the 370's are getting other ADSB data, so all is connected and working. A couple of years ago when the new data fields were added by the FAA, garmin said they would incorporate it someday, but someday has not yet arrived.
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In the software change notes for the GDU 370, nothing specifically says that these old displays have been given support for new ADS-B weather products. Perhaps time to upgrade...