
Well Known Member
My first airplane was an RV-8A that did not have an adjustable seatback, therefore the cushions only had to fit in one geometry. Seeing as how the RV-14 has several hinge points for the seatback, it seems like the seat cushion would need to be able to move forward or backward somewhat depending on which location you've got the seatback in. How does this work with respect to the slot in the cushion for the crotch strap? Looking at Classic Aero and Flightline websites there's no mention of being able to adjust the location of where they put the slot.
I had the same question, but in practice, after two years of flying and experimenting with different seat settings, it hasn't seemed to matter. The cushion just moves the crotch strap forward or after very slightly. I suppose that should there be a force on it, there would be a bit more slack in it if the slot in the cushion isn't directly lined up with the strap bracket, but I doubt it would be enough to make a difference.

Hi Mark,

Pretty much what Chris said. We try to make the slot in the cushion match the "middle" position. On the 7s and 9s, you could actaually run the 5 point out just behind the stick when you were in the "back" position if you really wanted to, but most people didn't. The "front" position almost never gets used in the 7s and 9s. Not sure about the 14 yet.

PS I'm always as interested as anyone to hear first hand experience though. After 15 years of doing this, we are always learning new things from our customers.
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