
Active Member
I was just adjusting the small flange on the forward end of the rudder tip rib for my RV-14 and I had to make a few adjustments to get it to 90. It started out at about 110 degrees, then I adjusted it and went too far and it was at about 80, and then I adjusted it back to 90 with my fingers.

My questions is, is this normal and is there any issue with work hardening or weakening the flange at the bend when doing this. I know with the edges of the ribs, I have adjusted it before fluting and then had to go back and do it again after fluting because it changed. How much is too much and how do you known?
There's a wooden adjustment tool that works very well for this if you're trying for a perpendicular bend. It's basically a lever that pushed the flange against an angled piece of wood. You make it yourself.

The angle of the mating intersection is 11 degrees acute from the perpendicular to allow for springback.




I used some scrap maple that was laying around the shop from a previous project, but any hardwood will work. If the lever is wider, it'll work faster of flat bends, and if it's 3/4" with rounded sides, like mine, it'll work for curved pieces too.

This wasn't my idea - I got it here from VAF.

That's cool. In this case it wouldn't work since the flange was on the forward side where the counterbalance skin attaches and I had to flute the rib in this locations. But this will work great for the other ribs.
Flange bending

That's cool. In this case it wouldn't work since the flange was on the forward side where the counterbalance skin attaches and I had to flute the rib in this locations. But this will work great for the other ribs.

The tool Dave posted will get used a lot. I recommend building it.
Bend flanges to fit the skin. Flute to match the holes. A nice flat rib, doesn't necessarily mean the holes will perfectly line up with the mate. Check. Just sayin'. YMMV.