
I'm having an alignment problem with the adjustable rudder release assembly alignment relative to the release pin. The pivot bushing for the release assembly is not aligned with the release pin hole (see WD-816). I've ground/filed off quite a lot on the right side of this bushing so the release assembly would clear it and I'm filing next to the attaching weld now. Vans tells me they are all like this.

So, if they are all like this, what is everyone doing to line these up?

Jerald King
-8 slowing fuselage
Pin alignment


I assembled mine a couple of months ago and everything aligned perfectly.


Difficult to see in this picture but the pin is in the center of the release fork.

Maybe I was just lucky. :confused:
Thanks for the pics fellows

And it looks like another call to the Mother Ship is in order....

Jerald King
Not quite right but...

Mine wasn't that way however, may be quicker to just grind down the side that doesn't line up rather than get another one.
I would...

but if I grind it down that much I'm into the weld- I've already taken quite a lot off that side with dremel and file. And then I'll have to shim the other side- the release assembly is hitting the release pin housing.

I'm not crazy about redoing assemblies either.

Jerald King
-8 fuselage