Little Wing

Active Member
Decided to try an adjustable screw drive as an alternative to the stock cable. It looks like the nutplate might be a weak point. I'm considering welding a coupling nut to steel plate instead. Not so sure if this is a smart idea?


Not sure its worth the weight and bother, and time spent on a departure from the kit. Only you can decide that for yourself, but I'd recommend choosing your departures wisely. Most are time sinks. Some are really worth the trouble, others not so much.

I put in the adjustable rudder pedals because I thought my friend who is 5" shorter than I am would fly the airplane some. In eight years he has yet to avail himself of that benefit from having helped me so much with my build.

So my rudder assembly gets moved once a year -- at condition inspection. I do have to say it is nice to be able to quickly get the pedals out of the way for inspection of the forward stuff (fuel pump and filter, gas flow meter, and fwd baggage structure).

I also fly a sailplane with a very similar cable-operated adjustment (Van pretty much copied prevailing sailplane pedal design). That set gets moved twice per flight. I find the cable system quick, simple, convenient.