I'm New Here
I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone using the ADI Pilot I (single axis) autopilot in their RV4. As a purely Day VFR pilot only, I am considering this autopilot primarily as a safety device should I encounter marginal VFR conditions, and secondly to reduce workload on my occassional cross country trips. When trimed correctly is the 4 stable enough in pitch not to warrent altitude hold for short periods? Alternatively, will I regret not installing the pitch servo when I want to look at some maps, write down some headings or do some calculations? Straight and level flying is not my reason for building a 4 so I'm debating whether I really need the second servo. Any thoughts?

We installed this single axis AP into a customers RV4 not too long ago and it flies it like a dream. That being said, the customer decided after flying it all over the place this summer that he's like to upgrade it to include the other axis. Having flown both, I'd say bit the bullet and install both now, even if it's a separate ADI Pilot I and Altrak or just going with the ADI Pilot II. Some people like to have the separate Altrak "VS" to have the vertical speed option so that's why you occasionally see that combination.

All of the RV's fly wonderfully, but on a perfectly smooth day and having the airplane perfectly trimmed, they are so good that you can fly them around the sky by just leaning forward/back, or side to side (in the 6's and 7's). They do hold their place pretty well, but not like a Cessna.

Anyway, I also flyew my old RV for years on a single axis AP, then added the altitude hold later. My preference after doing it is that I wish I'd have had both right away!

My 2 cents as usual!

After claiming I'd never install an autopilot in a sport plane I spent more than a hour in cloud and ice on needle, ball and airspeed. Really stupid. I do mild acro on most flights so I didn't want air gyro's and installed a trutrak pictorial pilot. It's great. The pitch stability of the RV4 is better than many 6's and I have no trouble keeping the dirty side down in simulated IFR conditions. Hopefully I'll not get into cloud again but feel much safer now and the ability to let go of the stick to look up frequencies etc is a real bonus.
Chuck Ross
I have the TruTrak Pictorial Pilot single axis auto pilot that is slaved to my Garmin hand held GPS installed in my RV4. The system works perfectly and can track a course far straighter than I can. I use it all the time. I wish I had installed an altitude hold version though. I normally find myself applying finger tip pressure to the stick to maintain the correct altitude. Not a big deal but just enough concern for me to not to feel comfortable to let the stick go completely. I like to maintain the correct altitude when cruising and do not want to be wandering up and down when I am not paying attention. Bottom line is, install the 2 axis system now if you can.

Jerry Isler
RV4 N455J
Thanks for your thoughts. Sounds like the single axis performs well and will probably do the job. I'm hearing you all loud and clear however, and may have to compromise on the extra weight and go for the two-axis set up. I've had the "I wish I installed that......" feeling before so maybe I should learn from experience.


Darren, reading your final comment you could buy one of the Trutrak control heads that will give you the pich commands, but not buy the expensive servo until you regret it. It is an easy retrofit.

I do have both servos in my -4 and am glad I do though mostly dont use them.

Just a thought, Steve.
Hi Steve,

A very good suggestion. Thanks. I suspect there will probably be very little weight difference between the ADI Pilot I and II control heads, so installing the Pilot II would allow me the future option. I'll go back and check the specs.

Thanks also for your great web site. Your extensive photo journal has been of enormous be help to me in making the decission to build a 4 and I've learned heaps from it. Hope your plane is still flying well. I just read your 100 hr update. Keep the reports coming.....




I installed a TruTrak ADI in my RV4 and liked it so much I installed one in my HR2. Tru Trak offered to upgrade it any time in the future to the autopilot option with a full credit for my ADI. Some selling points are reliability and durability, and a sound company. Jim Younkin was an early engineer for Sperry and knows ALOT about autopilots.

*After tumbling 3 different gyro's in my RV4 doing acro, the TruTrak is fantastic!

PS: A second Hoo-Rah for Steve's website and builders log, I wish it had been around in 95' when I built my RV4...
Sierra Hotel!
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Hi Smokey,

Thanks for your views on the Tru Track. They sound very good and I'll probably install the Pilot II. I couldn't agree more about the value of the numerous high quality builder websites available through this forum. I'm sure I will be returning time and time again for pictures, advice and ideas. Thanks again to all.

Hi Steve,

A very good suggestion. Thanks. I suspect there will probably be very little weight difference between the ADI Pilot I and II control heads, so installing the Pilot II would allow me the future option. I'll go back and check the specs.
TruTrak also has an upgrade policy that will give you a very high credit (100% in some cases) for your used autopilot control head.