
Well Known Member
Farewell Adelaide, hello Sydney.

I've recently taken up a job with a company that networking geeks would know as, "AS15169," which has seen me relocate with my partner and two dogs to Sydney.

I had planned to reposition the RV from Parafield to Camden this weekend. I got 80% of the way there, thanks to weather.

The trip began on Saturday morning: Clear blue skies, a bit of fog that lifted early in the morning, so we were able to launch by 0900 and clear the Adelaide hills.


Our track took us almost due East, over the South Australian plains, into Victoria, then across the Murray River into New South Wales.

Lakes near the Murray near Mildura YMIA, towards the eastern side of what the WAC chart calls "Sunset Country":


Stopped for a comfort break at Robinvale YROI. On descent approaching the river:


It all started to get a bit rubbish after that. We caught up with the clouds near Hay YHAY and had to drop down to 3500, and the weather closed in more and more as we moved further east. By the time we reached Narrandera YNAR we were dodging scattered showers, and ATC was broadcasting SIGMETs about isolated thunderstorms on-track.

Our intended refuelling stop at Temora YTEM was behind a curtain of black, so we diverted to Wagga Wagga YSWG instead, leaving most of the crud behind us.


My travelling partner kindly videoed a greaser landing at Wagga Wagga. Not often you get video evidence of one of those :D

I didn't have the right kind of card to operate the fuel system, but we were helped by some wonderfully accommodating locals. One of them has the first Ercoupe imported into Australia (looking immaculate, still in its original factory paint-job), and another is 10 hours into his phase-1 in a beautiful looking RV-8. He was buzzing around the pattern later in the day while we watched from the airport terminal.

Having refuelled and tied the aircraft down, we watched the clouds begin to dissipate to give us a wonderfully clear afternoon.


But, safety first: I'd called for a met briefing, and no matter how good it was starting to look in Wagga Wagga, it was still terrible further east. So we called it quits for the day, booked some accommodation, and headed for the bar.

Spot track here (I didn't hit the breadcrumbs button until about 20 minutes out of Adelaide)


I called for another met briefing last night. Low cloud down to ground level isn't expected to clear from Mittagong YMIG until Tuesday. Mittagong/Bowral is kinda the entry-point to the Sydney basin for single-engine VFR due to its status as a low-point in the mountains that ring the city. If you can't get past YMIG, there's no point even starting.

So we booked airline tickets to get home instead.

This morning the day dawned gloomily, with fog blanketing the region. It lifted by about 1030 while we were in the taxi to the airport, and delayed the arrival of our airline flights because Wagga Wagga is too small to have an ILS.

Taxying out in the Qantas Q400 after lunch, when it had finally arrived (!), I could look across the airport and see li'l SOL sitting on its tiedowns on the GA parking apron, in front of the white hangar in the background:


And 25 minutes later I was able to look down at Mittagong and see that yes, indeed, the decision to stop was the right one. It's... under there:


In the Sydney basin it was raining heavily, with patchy low cloud and no visible horizon to the west. I'll go to bed tonight delighted with my 3.3 hours in the cockpit and the quality of my decision making, and look forward to heading back to Wagga Wagga to finish the trip in better conditions next Saturday.

How was your weekend?

- mark
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Hi Mark, thanks for the great trip write up !
I also have found that you can catch up to a front very fast in your RV.
You take off with clear blue sky and then a wall of black is soon in your windscreen.
You made a great call to not continue and find some place else to stop over at, many have not been so lucky and pushed on.

P.S all you bad weather is on its way up here to Brisbane, not much flying for me this week.

Have fun at your new job. :)
Hi Mark,

Are you still heading across to Wedderburn, or have you decided on a home at Camden?

Camden in the short term (going to do a night VFR endorsement while I'm there). Probably Wedderburn after that, still working through the membership process.

- mark
Better to do what you did. And a new place to visit!

By the way Wagga Wagga YSWG does have an ILS on Runway 23. The minima is around 3-400' but no good in fog thick on the ground.

Anyone seen B737's in Mildura lately :eek: Hmmmm fog....did anyone say/forecast that!
Welcome to Sydney Mark - and the joys of VFR in and out of the Sydney basin!
Ive lost count of the number of times its been in-accessable or inescapable...

Today has been the first day in 2 weeks it hasnt poured with rain.

My RV was born and spent its first 2.5 years at Camden. Now at YSBK. Ive done lots of flying with Curtis over the years and can highly recommend them. AFR due as we speak, so ill be down there this weekend weather permitting!

Good luck in Sydney - theres quite a few RVs floating around, and we have done some good trips together - so stay in touch.

Welcome to Sydney Mark - and the joys of VFR in and out of the Sydney basin!

Heh. I was kinda expecting it, but it's the first time conditions have been so bad I've actually had to abandon the trip altogether :)

Today has been the first day in 2 weeks it hasnt poured with rain.

All the best flying conditions are always on Wednesdays between 8:30am and 5:30pm.

My RV was born and spent its first 2.5 years at Camden. Now at YSBK. Ive done lots of flying with Curtis over the years and can highly recommend them. AFR due as we speak, so ill be down there this weekend weather permitting!

Me too! :) I'll probably RPT my way back to Wagga in the early hours of Saturday morning, take off by lunch time, and arrive at Camden mid/late afternoon. If you're there I'll look forward to meeting you.

- mark
AAAAAND... Done.

The odyssey continues...

This morning I grabbed QF2221 from Sydney to Wagga. 35 minutes taxying around Sydney Airport, 45 minutes airborne in a Q400 turboprop.

When I arrived at Wagga it was 7 degC, which might explain why the RV's engine didn't fire when I cranked it after my preflight. I ran down a perfectly serviceable battery trying to get the darn thing started.

Thankfully a few of the hangars were open, and I was able to borrow some mains power to run the battery charger in my flying kit whilst I retired to the terminal building for coffee and warmth.

After an hour the day had warmed up, and the battery had a few more Ah in it, so I saddled up. I thanked the gentleman who helped me for his hospitality, and suggested that if it didn't start I'd need some more of it. Thankfully it fired on the second blade, so farewell to Wagga Wagga.


The met briefing warned of heavy rain and snowfalls south of Cooma, but I was going to be running a long way north of that. The only notables on my track were moderate to severe turbulence up to 10,000 and a 35kt wind from 270.

Either the turbulence forecast was an exaggeration or my glider flying background has taught me some different standards. Not silky smooth, but not bad either.

The 35kt tailwind was brilliant, though. I photographed the GNS430W claiming 179 kts over the ground, but at one stage it was 183 kts. Too bumpy for a legible photo though, so you'll just have to take my word for it.


Found some turbines near Goulburn YGLB that were a tad bigger than the ones on the Q400.


Approaching Mittagong YMIG the clouds started to lift and clear, and I climbed to 5000 to cross the southern highlands. From there it was an easy run in to Bankstown YSBK to move in to my new digs.


"When I grow up, ..."

The hour and a half I spent in the air this afternoon doesn't seem like much, but it does represent a milestone of sorts. I bought SOL from Western Australia, and first flew it in Perth. After ferrying it home across the Nullabor Plain to Adelaide, then ferrying it over the last two weekends to Sydney, I can now say I've crossed the entire country in it: Across the breadth of Australia, coast to coast.


When people ask about kit planes, I tell them SOL started out its life as a flat-pack, like a piece of Ikea furniture. But maybe that's unfair: not many sofas can cross Australia under their own steam. :D

- mark
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Good one

Thanks Mark. Good write up, and I hope to be doing something similar soon. The wings are on and the 1st engine start is not far away.


That's excellent news, Jim.

Have you been in touch with Dave, the RV-8 builder kinda in the undershoot for Parafield 21R?

- mark

Mark, I don't think so. Is he a member of the SAAA? I have met a couple of guys who are doing 8's but his name and situation doesn't ring a bell. I will have to look him up!

Been working on it in the hangar today, but my main problem has been the rain washing under the door with the wind behind it. However it's still better than mowing the lawn.


Jimbo: PM me your contact details and I'll send them to Dave.

I took him for a fly in SOL a few months ago, it was his first ever RV ride. I've never had a more appreciative flying companion, and we had a fantastic time. Will definitely check in on him next time I'm in Adelaide for more than 24 hours.

- mark
Jim, great trip report.
As I recall, Aussies are fond of abbreviating almost any and all phrases.
What does sol mean down under?
Great looking plane by the way. And good judgement in catching an airline ride.
Jim, great trip report.
As I recall, Aussies are fond of abbreviating almost any and all phrases.
What does sol mean down under?
Great looking plane by the way. And good judgement in catching an airline ride.

Maybe I can but in. His aircraft is registered VH-SOL.
We have a purely letter system in our registrations.
Hope this helps