
Well Known Member
I'm preparing a mcmaster order and I thought I'd throw an assortment of adel clamps in there. Unfortunately I don't have my airplane here to take measurements.

1. Any tips on what sizes I'll need the most of?

Does anyone know -

2. Diameter of a firesleeved 3/8" fuel line?
3. Diameter of the engine mount tubing?

4. What kind of hardware are people using to connect the clamps?

Engine mount tubing is 3/4"- you need -12 clamps for that. I have a whole bag I got at Oshkosh.


After 33 RV builds. I still order bits and pieces at a time. I have tried to order extra screws, rivits, clamps, and such. Keep the things needed to build an RV in STOCK. It is not possiable to have everything in house. Every airplane is unique.
The builders here in the Dallas Fort Worth, Metro Mess OFTEN, come buy my www.RVCentral.US on Hicks Airport T67 to pick up an extra bit or part. I am amazied that I often have what they need!!! IF?,,, I do not,,, Avery Tools, just might!!!

Paul is right -12s are some of the ones you will need
SoOOO,,, Much to offer here in Texas

Come here to build your Home Built!
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