Great Idea

Looks like a great Idea but too expensive for me.
On the other hand it looks like a nice simple welding project. I think I will. Thanks for the idea.

Randy Hooper
Good thing you didn't waste your money. I bought a pair from Avery's and every time I tired to use them something was in the way. :(

However, there is a few solutions you should check out on this thread.
Good thing you didn't waste your money. I bought a pair from Avery's and every time I tired to use them something was in the way.

For what it's worth, I have one of each (a pair of the Avery type, and a pair of the ones mentioned above). I've found that the second type can be used in places where the Avery style can not. There are still times when I need to use the safety wire trick, but the pliers help get things started.

If you wanted to go cheap you could probably do the same thing with an awl and some hemostats, but I love tools, so... :)

Better, cheaper,..... buy several sizes

This is a cheap hemostat from the General Dollar store. Bought several in various lenghts for a couple of bucks each. Gets in various tight places and will work like a vise grip to hold small nuts as well.

Bill S
7a finishing
Where have these been all my life??

Looks like a great Idea but too expensive for me.
On the other hand it looks like a nice simple welding project. I think I will. Thanks for the idea.

Randy Hooper

Randy presented me with a gin-you-wine set of Hooper adel clamp pliers this morning:



El cheapo "vice grips" from Walmart (< $5 for two) and a few minutes at the mill and welder. Very nice!
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Never seen them agian

A few years ago, where I used to work, one of the other mechanics said, ?Hey check this out.? What he had was an adel clamp the had a burr or catch build into it so that when you closed it, it latched closed and stayed that way until you unlatched it. I thought Hey neat this must be how all the new adel clamps are going to be in the future?.I?ve never seen another one? if you were here in person I could draw pictures and make and jesters to show you just how it worked, but I?m not smart enough to put it into words, but I can tell you it was a WAY neat idea? :eek:
They're called Adelock or lockfoot clamps. The company is Adel Wiggins. I called their corporate headquarters the other day to try and find a retail source but could never get to a real person.

Looks like a great item but it seems they only do large accounts.
Tom Hanaway
Boynton Beach, FL
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building or flying

Tom I am a newbie living in coral springs. if your building I would be glad to help, if you are flying I would love a ride. bought a emp kit for a rv7 with tool money($600 what a deal thanks VAF) so I have not done any building yet.also have not flown in a rv yet.:D
Get Stein to call them!

They're called Adelock or lockfoot clamps. The company is Adel Wiggins. I called their corporate headquarters the other day to try and find a retail source but could never get to a real person.

Looks like a great item but it seems they only do large accounts.
Tom Hanaway
Boynton Beach, FL
Stein can call them and get them added to his ever-expanding portfolio of cool stuff. These do look neato.
Sometimes these adel clamps are in locations that you can't get a tool on them to hold them closed. What I have used over the years are the little 4" cable ties. I usually pick up a bag of a 1000 black or white ones at OSH each year. First, start the cable tie separately. Then just squeeze the clamp closed enough with your fingers and then put the cable tie over the two ends. Pull the cable tie closed and it will close the clamp. Put your screw/bolt through, get the nut started, and then snip the cable tie. Works great.

They're called Adelock or lockfoot clamps. The company is Adel Wiggins. I called their corporate headquarters the other day to try and find a retail source but could never get to a real person.

Looks like a great item but it seems they only do large accounts.
Tom Hanaway
Boynton Beach, FL

I've emailed them a couple of times and never got a response. Like others, I did internet searches in every search engine and every combination I could think of and could not find anyone offering these for sale.
I've made contact with Adel Wiggins company who directed me to a distributor who I'm connecting to ACS, Wicks and Stein. Hopefully we will soon have access to these little finger saving gems!