I have about four or five left more clamps left till I'm done. (for now) I am considering ordering one just for those last few clamps. It sure beats using safety wire to hold them together while your bolting them up. Great idea.
Great idea. I have been thinking recently of posting the question of whether there is an easy/simple way to deal with adels. Now its answered!

What they used to do

I went to the Tillamook air museum last weekend. They had an old 4330 radial engine on a stand along with the engine mount, intake, exhaust, etc.

What struck me was the way they installed adel clamps. You know how difficult it is to install two adel clamps.

Look at this:

You can see that forty years ago they figured out an easy way to do it. Install the first adel clamp (one is relatively easy) with a full threaded screw, then install a hex nut like an AN315. Now you have a stable platform to attach the other adel clamp and locking nut. Much easier and faster than safety wire, locking clamps, etc.

Why didn't I think of this before?
I have one, too. From Avery. It's a nice idea. The translation from the original Chinese in the instructions says that it promotes high morale.

It didn't for me. It just didn't work very well, especially on double clamps.