Mike Macon

Well Known Member
I could not find if this has been asked and I am not trying to "Poke the Bear" but ............ under the APP, which was developed to improve safety by enhancing builder/owner pilot skills, could the time be logged as dual if your additional pilot is a CFI?
I could not find if this has been asked and I am not trying to "Poke the Bear" but ............ under the APP, which was developed to improve safety by enhancing builder/owner pilot skills, could the time be logged as dual if your additional pilot is a CFI?

My take is that the intent was to improve safety by Supplementing builder skills. I do not think the intent was to be giving or receiving dual during this time. Of course, assuming you have at least a private certificate, if you are the one manipulating the controls you can log it as PIC time, even if the other pilot is THE PIC to keep the insurance company happy.

I personally don't beleive that first flights are the time for dual instruction. The builder pilot should be appropriately rated to fly the aircraft. I do believe the AP should be a CFI, but that is my opinion. You might consider reading my most recent article in KitPlanes on the subject.


Thanks Bob and Vic. I am just preparing for some insurance requirements. It is looking like I will need to get 5 hours of dual in type prior to coverage. I am having a qualified, insurable test pilot do the first flights. I will also have a qualified, insurable pilot who will help during the 40 hours and he happens to be a CFI. Between the three of us we will complete Phase 1. If I can count 5 hours of dual during my time with the CFI, it just makes it more convenient than finding another instructor and airplane. Not a big deal.
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As I noted above, during the second part of phase one if you are flying under the recent rules change allowing a second pilot aboard: Ask him if he will serve as THE PIC to keep the insurance company happy, but let you do the actual flying. This can be logged as PIC time. Call the insurance company and ask about coverage with no dual, but 5 or 10 or 20 PIC hours logged.
Thanks again Bob.

The builder pilot should be appropriately rated to fly the aircraft.

Vic - I am appropriately rated, the problem is the 5 hrs. in "Type". I will have a perfectly good airplane to accomplish the in "Type" I am just looking for a way to use it. I believe the AAP is a great idea on many levels and I will be taking advantage of the program by using a qualified CFI during Phase 1 regardless of how my insurance requirements work out. I have 1,000 + hours total time but few tailwheel hours. I do not want to ball up my new toy trying to build up TW time solo, during testing, which was legally possible and more likely to do before AAP.
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I could not find if this has been asked and I am not trying to "Poke the Bear" but ............ under the APP, which was developed to improve safety by enhancing builder/owner pilot skills, could the time be logged as dual if your additional pilot is a CFI?

Havingbeen around a few of the discussions about this before it became real, I would not "go there".

I know that you have no intention of "poking the bear" but in **my opinion**, this would amount to at least throwing little rocks at the bear if nothing else.

I am sure there will be many eyes keeping close scrutiny on this program given the concerns that have existed about people misusing it. Intentionally or not.

No offense intended here. Just a comment to all that we probably need to not walk close to the edge on this one.

Look at the AC, page 18. paragraph 17(b) about logging time. regulatory reference there. Read the reg reference, and its applicability. There within lies the answer. No bears or poking necessary...