

Five Year Trends and Issues for KADS

This is our opportunity to show up and FINALLY get in front of what the Airport Management intends to do with KADS. Right now, the Town Council hears only what the Management presents regarding using General Aviation Hangar Rental Price increases to fund improvements to attract Corporate Aviation. (And other such issues.)

Everybody (Myself Included) who flys out of KADS must take this opportunity to "Show-Up or Shut-Up" Really, I will be there and hope some other interested Airport Tennants and/or Addison Residents will be there

October 16, 2007. 6:30 PM
Addison Conference Centre
15650 Addison Road

Link to Addison Agenda: Session.pdf

If anybody wants to know more, call me @ 214-692-1995. I know of this meeting only because of a supportive Addison Town Council Member.

Ken Bruggers
How'd it go?

ken - How did the meeting go? I really wanted to be there, but something came up at the last minute.
It was educational. It's clear that the City doesn't know exactly what they want to do, but that they are very much looking at making as much money out of the airport as possible, although some of this may be used to maintain and expand the airport. The public was not invited or allowed to ask questions during the meeting.

The meeting was basically a presentation by a consultant working with North Tx Counsel of Governments (NTCOG), which is developing a master plan for DFW area reliever airports (supposedly 11 of them - I'd guess ADS, RBD, GPM, GKY, FWS, FTW, AFW, DTO, TKI, HQZ and LNC). There was a large focus on the theme of "Addison is a Corporate Airport" - not GA, but corporate. Between the discussion of the city and consultants, it's clear that ADS wants things that burn Jet-A and nothing that burns 100LL. There is even discussion of helping subsidize T-Hangars at other airports to help relocate the displaced aircraft if/when the destroy all the t-hangars at ADS. The consultant was clear to point out that T-hangars do not pay for themselves, so it doesn't make sense to build new ones. I asked him why GPM, which he said was self-funding (i.e., needs no $$ from the city) is building new t-hangars (which also cost a lot less than the old ones at ADS) - he didn't know.

There was also much discussion of how to maximize revenue by using airport land for things unrelated to aviation. Obviously, the city can make more money if they build office parks than t-hangars. I got the feeling that they'd like to do this as much as possible.

I came away with the feeling that the city takes its tenants for granted. They seem to think that there will always be a growing demand for turbine aircraft hangars, terminals and FBOs. They also want to eat their cake and have it too - they want to do lots of non-aviation stuff to bring in money and get every last dollar they can from the Jet-A crowd, because they have nowhere else to go - Is Pizza Hut really going to move to RBD when their headquarters is 5 minutes from ADS?

My prediction is that ADS will run most private aircraft owners out via high pricing. Hangar rents are going up about 25% Jan 1, and fuel won't be going down any time soon. This may erode public support for the airport - the residents of Addison essentially don't get any benefit from the airport - it will will be seen as a source of noise and pollution for the well-to-do who can afford to fly in a jet.

How do we fight this? We focus on ADS as a community resource and also as a key link in the region's transportation system. Just like the roads are open to all traffic, airports should be too. We also need to point out to the City that if they want to run ADS as a business, they cease to be a government that is making decisions that benefit the residents of Addison, but rather, companies that base their jets there. The connection between ownership of the airplane and flying it is important.

Other thoughts?

Airport Usage and City Government

This discussion is very interesting , here in Neosho, MO We are undergoing the same exercises. The city does not seem to be interested in the needs of General Aviation at all.
A developer has proposed developing the Airport for Turbine and Non Aviation uses. The developer claims they will get 11 times the rent they are currently receiving.
It is also is disappointing disturbing how few pilots have the time to attend any meetings or the courage to sign there names to documents that attempt to educate the city officials.