
I'm New Here
First post here on VAF - and I probably sound like a total noob with this question! :eek:

My dad currently has a '54 L-21B Super Cub - and as many of you may know you can open up the entire right side by lowering the lower half of the door and raising the other latching it up on the underside of the wing, also has sliding window on the left. He really likes that aspect of it, just flying around low and slow with the doors open, and it is pretty good stuff.

Anyways, he's thinking about selling it before it accumulates too many more hours towards the ol' TBO time. So I'm talking him into picking up an RV, preferrably an 8. His main concern is not being able to "open the window".

Has anyone ever added small windows to the sides of the RV-8 canopy - hinged, that would open down to the inside (I guess that'd be the best way to go if it were possible?).

Also, is it possible to fly with the canopy cracked open a bit? I've heard that it is not, but what if you were to make a way for the air to exit the rear of the canopy (holes or slits) to lower the pressure inside and keep the canopy from blowing off.


- Rick :)

You can't make a door that folds down like on the Cub because the main longeron runs right under the canopy rail. That and the RV is so fast you might just rip any door off you can design in.

As for modifying the canopy, there are a few RV-3's and -4's flying w/o the canopy. They are convertable so they can put the canopy on for the winter months.

You might want to get him a ride in an -8 first and then see what he wants to do.
I wouldn't

I have a friend who once owned an RV-6A slider, into the canopy of which the original builder had inserted a small folding window similar to what you might see on a Cherokee. The associated doubler ring, hinge, latch, etc. were kind of funny looking, and spoiled the view out the left side of the canopy.

For my money, it's better to build the canopy according to the plans, go 200mph to your destination, and then get out and enjoy the fresh air. :)

Or, maybe you can find a way keep the Super Cub? I've already decided that my #2 airplane is going to be something Cub-like that I can fly around with the doors off and look at cows, but that's a different mission than what the RV is designed to do!

Keep the cub!

I have a 51 Supercub to count the cows and a RV8 to go places . I love em both.
Totally different airplanes performing their own mission.

I would also like a A36 but my wife mentioned something about it being illegal to own three airplanes....i had no idea.
Thanks for the replies guys,

I guess if there were windows installed they'd have to open inwards (if there was room for their travel) to avoid being damaged by the speed - or could just fly slow :D - and place them low on the canopy to avoid spoiling the view.

How much does an RV-8 canopy cost? If it wasn't done properly I have a feeling that it could be expensive to replace. I assume there is a risk of the canopy coming off as a result of the pressure difference inside/outside with windows open? Is that the main reason they aren't flown with the canopy cracked open?

BTW, I am in love with the -8 and I haven't even flown one yet, but based on the videos I've watched - it seems to fly as good as it looks!

Met up with an RV-8 owner this past weekend and sat in it, everything was in just the right place and had plenty of room, dad and I had thought it may be on the tight side in there. It had an awesome fighter like feel to it. The owner offered us a ride sometime, so I'm going to take him up on that offer. :D
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How about a small sliding "window" like the ones used on gliders ?? I know these are a standard off-the-shelf item. My glider had a Vne of 143 kts; not too much lower than the -8; and the opening "window" had no problems. Its major fault was that over time it scratches the canopy where it slides; but over all no big deal.