NM Doug

Well Known Member
I have the MGL Odyssey in the 9A and am reading about the Navworx ADS600-B, which seems to play well with it.

I'd rather not upgrade twice, and I'd like the benefits of traffic and weather sooner rather than later. I'm not planning on flying internationally or in the flight levels, and my transponder is a mode C.

If I install the Navworx, would the airplane be fully compliant with the FAA mandates for 2020? Are there other products I should look instead/also?
I added one to a dual Odyssey setup. Currently, it must be installed on the #1 serial port. This meant that I had to move the V10 radio over to the COMEX port 3 (1&2 had AP servos). I had the COMEX on a switch to throw the AP from one Odyssey to the other. This made that no longer possible. A single Odyssey wouldn't run into this, but you will have to move your MGL com to a different port if you have one. You have to modify your screens to include ADSB. The NAVWORX uses a serial interface for config setup and it's a pain to find a laptop that still has a serial port. You'd think it would have a USB interface instead of a dinosaur port, but that's the way it is (duh). If you're using MGL servos on the CAN bus, you can keep your #1 port for radios. As to 2020, I thought mode S was part of it. I used an old Trimble puck for the GPS and the Delta Pop for the downlink antenna.
Navworx Setup

Doug, I have a little HP netbook with USB only connections to configure the Navworx, but I have a $15 USB to serial connector, works like a charm to connect the Navworx Mntc port to the Mntc set up SW using the Netbook USB port. As you said, the Navworx meets only a part of the 2020 NexGen requirement, you will need mode-S out by then, but it does give you a more comprehensive traffic interface that works anywhere you can get the Wx uplink. Not just around large airports where mode s traffic uplink will only be supported. And when you decide to get a mode s transponder the Navworx adsb will Interface the traffic inputs from both mode s and the adsb and then outputs a single traffic picture to ensure there are no double tracks for the same traffic target (Adsb & Mode-S inputs for same target).

Cecil, I tried 2 different serial/USB adapters and couldn't make either work. What brand did you use?
Mode-S transponder not req'd in addition to MGL/Navworx

I poked around some more, and it looks like a mode-S transponder won't be required in addition to the MGL Odyssey/Navworx ADS600-B combination. The 2020 mandate requires 1) ADS-B Out (either via UAT or the extended squitter that mode-s provides), and 2) a transponder. The Navworx would provide acceptable ADS-B Out when connected to the Odyssey, and the Mode C transponder would continue to satisfy the transponder requirement.

For my usage case (below FL180, in the U.S., class B,C,D,E and G airspace), the UAT version of ADS-B Out can work. Other people may need the mode-s/extended squitter version.

I found AOPA's ADS-B video helpful (search for AOPA's "ADS-B for General Aviation"), and I also checked with Navworx.
Something else to keep in mind is any ADS-B out device will be required to be TSO'd (TSO-C154 for UAT) under the final rule. Currently the Navworx does not carry that certification.
Thanks for the caveat, Walt. Do you think the Navworx is likely to be TSO'd? Not that I have the money just lying around to buy the Navworx, but do you think it's worth waiting?
Installed ADS-600b in my 2xGRT HS / 7A

As I understand it, the Navworx satisfies the ADSB out requirement (UAT frequency 978 mhz) assuming they are ultimately successful with the TSO. Transponder can remain Mode C. For the system to be compliant we will need an approved WAAS GPS driving the Navworx. As of now not even the 430W / 530W are compliant as I understand. Don't know about the new model$$.

The mode S TIS system is slowly going away. Extended squitter mode (ES) will be required to satisfy the ADS out requirement without an approved UAT, but that won't provide weather etc (need the 978 mhz receiver). Not sure about receiving Traffic with mode ES only. Maybe.

Happy with the ADS-600B, but found out AFTER installing and much troubleshooting that even though we have ADS-B weather now, the traffic won't be available in NV / UT till early 2014:mad: .

ps tried a USB-Serial adapter from Radio Shack $38 and it doesn't talk well with the ADS600-B. YMMV
Thanks for the caveat, Walt. Do you think the Navworx is likely to be TSO'd? Not that I have the money just lying around to buy the Navworx, but do you think it's worth waiting?

I'm not sure I'd be willing to gamble my money (or your money) on it. I hope they do but for a small operation with limited resources its not an easy feat.

There is also the question of if they do get the TSO on a current production unit, will that automatically "approve" all existing units out there or will they all need to be upgraded (which would be my guess)?
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Navworx TSO & USB issues

Last time I talked with Bill at NavWorx he told me he had completed all TSO requirements and FAA was satisfied with the unit and he was waiting on the approval paperwork. He said that hurdle was behind him and all current units would be included in the cert. That being said no govt approval is ever assured till the certification is in hand.

For those of you having serial to USB issues with the Navworx give me call and I can probably talk you through it. There are a few little quirks that can hang you up till you get the hang of it but I have found no show stoppers and have used 3 different computers. My Cell 850-496-0464
You will need....

I am currently adjusting my panel. I have had my NavWorx for more then one year and am very happy with it.
Now I am replacing my transponder. I am replacing my Narco 165 with a Garmin 327.
The reason is that with the 327 when I enter a squawk code the ADS-B will see the change and update it's output code to match.
You don't need mode-S.

I am using AFS 3500 and Garmin 496 for display of the data from the ADS-B.
