
Active Member
Current setup is: EFIS-D10a, EMS-10 with Garmin 496. Adding AP74,
HS-34 and a Garmin SL30. Later maybe a Garmin GPS175. Any hints or
diagrams? Thank you!
SL30 is a great nav com. If you don’t have an audio panel, there is an internal setting that will direct the nav audio to the com channel. Use the internal volume level to pre-set the nav volume, and turn it on-off with the front panel button. (“ID”)
Edit: Don’t forget, while navigating to/from a vor or ILS in the primary nav window, the SL30 can also display the to/from bearing to a second VOR shown in the standby window. You can see the bearing on the SL30 display. My GRT Hx will also display it as an RMI needle superimposed on the HSI display; I don’t know what the Dynon does.
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