
I'm New Here
Just thought I'd share this. We were just about to button up the left wing on our RV-12iS project when I got this tip re: the AOA sensor. I searched the VAF forum, Garmon/Dynon web sites and Van's store, but I didn't find it.

This is what I learned from Van's builder assist on June 3rd 2019. This applies to the RV-12/12iS.

It turns out it's provided with the RV-12iS avionics kit. Since it's relatively new - it's in the avionics kit and not the wing kit. This safety builtin explains how to install the "optional" sensor after the wings have been built:


We can add it now, before we close the left wing. We can purchase the sensor kit for $49. It's called the "RV-12 AOA Retro Kit." Then we can delete it from our avionics kit.

BTW this is the "rivet" type censor. Both Garmin and Dynon also have a pitot/sensor (Garmon's is the GAP 26 pitot/probe and costs $400). This sensor is simple, inexpensive and compatible with both Garmin and Dynon.

AOA will appear in the G3X or Dynon display (there's also an audible warning) - it's not the stand alone AOA unit that's in the Van's store.
I just purchased the rivet and tubing when I built my wings. Was pretty inexpensive. Think shipping was more than the parts.

I saw the kit available to order online last week, but it seems to have disappeared this week. Anyone know whether it was discontinued? or about to be replaced with a revised kit?
I saw the kit available to order online last week, but it seems to have disappeared this week. Anyone know whether it was discontinued? or about to be replaced with a revised kit?

Nope, no changes.

I can't get a link to work.

Put AOA in the search box
I recently bought an RV12-iS E-LSA which has that rivet sensor. Works great on the Garmin display.