
Well Known Member

For ADS-B IN I'm currently using the GDL-39 hardwired to an Aera 550 and bluetoothed to an Ipad with the Garmin App.

I plan to add a 330ES transponder to meet my ADS-B OUT needs.
I do also have a GTN650 in the panel for the approved GPS source.

My question: once I install the 330ES transponder, will my setup for ADSB-IN still be sufficient?

I would hate to re-wire all these devices to add my ADS-B OUT.
I want my install of the transponder to be a simple one.

Yes, It will work beautifully. I have the same setup in my airplane except a Garmin 430W. G330EX complies with ADSB out and GDL39 brings the ADSB in to my Garmin 560 and I-pad giving me seamless weather and traffic. The labor to install the 330ES is cheaper than a GDL88 or 84 and gives the same results. I could not be happier with the installation.
more questions


Were you able to use your existing transponder antenna with the GTX330ES?
Does this unit require dual antenna installation (top & bottom of plane) ?

I understand that on certified aircraft an avionics shop MUST be used to install the 330ES? Can homebuilders do it themselves?

thanks a bunch.

It will use the existing antenna. You can install yourself in an experimental.

Were you able to use your existing transponder antenna with the GTX330ES?
Does this unit require dual antenna installation (top & bottom of plane) ?

I understand that on certified aircraft an avionics shop MUST be used to install the 330ES? Can homebuilders do it themselves?

thanks a bunch.


I may be wrong, but I think you can use the same antenna, just one (bottom), and some dealers will sell to homebuilders. But don't forget you need to get the transponder tested before using it.

Has anyone confirmed the above ADSB-in setup will filter out yourself?
430W out to 330

Probably obvious but just don't forget that you can't just add a 330ES... you have to have an approved WAAS ADSB location signal into the 330ES for it to output. That means you will have to pull another wire from your 430W or 650 to go to the 330ES and then set your 430w on that port to ADSB-OUT to the 330ES. No way to get around that little bit of rewiring unless you have extra wires already run and not used.

It is a specific format and you can't just grab any GPS out and split it. Been there, done it, don't work :( I forget which pin you need but the pin out in the Garmin manual shows it clearly. Seems like 26 is an extra but I could be wrong.

Other than that, shouldn't be a problem.
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Probably obvious but just don't forget that you can't just add a 330ES... you have to have an approved WAAS ADSB location signal into the 330ES for it to output. That means you will have to pull another wire from your 430W or 650 to go to the 330ES and then set your 430w on that port to ADSB-OUT to the 330ES. No way to get around that little bit of rewiring unless you have extra wires already run and not used.

It is a specific format and you can't just grab any GPS out and split it. Been there, done it, don't work :( I forget which pin you need but the pin out in the Garmin manual shows it clearly. Seems like 26 is an extra but I could be wrong.

Other than that, shouldn't be a problem.

I believe he said he has a GTN-650 for the GPS source.
Shouldn't be a big deal. I think he implied that he *will* be getting the 330ES transponder. More than likely there will be some new wiring work associated with that, and only one serial line between the GTN and the GTX. I believe the protocol is now ADSB+. Both device should be updated to the most recent s/w versions.
I'm a bit surprised no one has mentioned that Trig makes transponders (TT22 and 31) that will read the Garmin ADSB+ format from a certified Garmin gps. About $1K cheaper than the 330ES.